I don't give a damn if he follows the beliefs. But it is wrong to put him in a position of authority.
If they stripped people of their position for misconduct, as in the molestations, why should this man be rewarded?
That type of backwardass shit is why are kids are so confused. The Bible has specific rules. Life has specific rules. Follow them as best you can, don't change them to excuse your shortcomings.
I believe the church should split.
Seperate the goats from the lambs.
I don't believe they should "change faiths", there is only one faith, and that is the faith in the one true God. Whatever you may call Him.
If you ain't doing good, your fuckin up. If your making excuses for your fuckups, so they don't look like fuckups, your fuckin up the kids who turn to you for guidance. And if your fuckin up the kids, you need to raise the fuck up, or get beat the fuck down.
Birds of a feather flock together. Speak your mind freely and reveal your friends and your enemies.
Any man who wouldn't die for what he believes in, believes in nothing.
They are making mockeries of the church, and the churches lack of faith and level of corruption are making it childsplay.
"...Why is it everything that I can't break/ Is everything that I can't change/..." -J.C.Situation
If they stripped people of their position for misconduct, as in the molestations, why should this man be rewarded?
That type of backwardass shit is why are kids are so confused. The Bible has specific rules. Life has specific rules. Follow them as best you can, don't change them to excuse your shortcomings.
I believe the church should split.
Seperate the goats from the lambs.
I don't believe they should "change faiths", there is only one faith, and that is the faith in the one true God. Whatever you may call Him.
If you ain't doing good, your fuckin up. If your making excuses for your fuckups, so they don't look like fuckups, your fuckin up the kids who turn to you for guidance. And if your fuckin up the kids, you need to raise the fuck up, or get beat the fuck down.
Birds of a feather flock together. Speak your mind freely and reveal your friends and your enemies.
Any man who wouldn't die for what he believes in, believes in nothing.
They are making mockeries of the church, and the churches lack of faith and level of corruption are making it childsplay.
"...Why is it everything that I can't break/ Is everything that I can't change/..." -J.C.Situation