Gang member held in school stabbing

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Jul 1, 2004
You're right there isn't rules and they weren't in the ring but do you think if you were called a buster or a chapete you wouldn't bomb right on sight if you were disrespected? You think your homies are going to except that and let it slide? Most likely no!
Look homie, first this story is coming from a news paper so you and I know its not the full story, second the only times that scraps ever even had the heart to look at me side ways was in front of pigs or when I was in high school in front of security, so If a scrap called me a buster in front of cops then bet your ass I wouldnt do anything in front of a cop, only a dumb ass would, and hell yeah i would come back and get that fool... this is real life shit, this aint grand theft auto. So what the little home girl stabbed someone in the back...that just shows she has more heart then half the fools on this board who just talk about doing dirt. It takes way more heart to stab someone then to shoot em! Fuck a fair fight, we're already out numbered, we already have an unfair disadvantage.
Dec 4, 2006
last time i checked...most hits been done behind a persons back when they at least expect it....

does that means all those hits in the pen, the streets, etc...and the person that committed them is a sucka/punk? NO..
Dec 4, 2006
Troll....I've seen females knuckle up like dudes before....Kayvee is one of them, no scratches, no hair pulling, only closed fist flying to the face...
Jul 1, 2004
thats what the fuck im talkin about...street gangstas... A dumb gangsta is nothin but a torpedo. All you seem to know is gangsta stereotypes... in real life homeboys have businesses, degrees or just street education. In the pen its mandatory to read and educate yourself. I dunno how it is for surenos but thats how it is for homeboys.
Nov 1, 2005
^^^u know just like i do that theres different levels of g's..u got the torpedo thats willing and able do execute someone at the drop of a dime and u got the homies that are making that feria,buying real estate and opening businesses.

btw..u mental illness fools need to go on a diet.u lookin kinda plump on that album cover.