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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
but this thread wouldnt have made it to 21 pages if the whole point was just "theres no bloods in fillmoe"

thats like a cashier getting on the speakerphone at safeway and being like "DERE AINT NO TWINKIES ON ISLE 13"

i mean, the whole store didnt need to know that
maybe a few confused people who were loking for twinkies on isle 13 needed to be told personally. but i doubt 99 percent of the store cared.

so for this thread to even go anywhere, someone had to twist it to messy marv, nortenos, and everything else.

its basically the only way conversations stay fresh this long
Aug 7, 2006
who the fuck was talking to YOU?

seriously, when does what i say concern you?

figure that shit out before you ask me why im in a thread conversating about some shit you call an "argument".

shit is like some faggot asking me why i bought a snickers

mind your fucking business until i ask for your opinion on some shit, until then your best bet is to just shut the fuck up and let me say whatever the fuck i want
Apr 25, 2002
you ain't speakin no Truth
hoodies beanies and versace glasses
oh is it the fact i'm white?
or not dressed in an airbrushed t-shirt?

i'm real as they come baby boy...
90% of these cats on here posting for a minute have met me, seen me, heard about me ON THE STREETS

nobody can doubt my character...i be out there potna...in the hood, and at all the functions

my name is solid...
i ain't gangster, gang banger, ain't from no set

but i will put hands on anybody disrespecting me, and gas one calling me out my name is disrespect

like i said...my name is solid, i roll with some of the realest on the earth, and am generally well liked cat

so, throw my pic up all you want...cus it ain't like mothafuckas ain't already seen it live up close in 3D

throw your pic man...go for it

415 on mines
peace to those who deserve it

go look at them pics GO HEAD
and anyone who wanna catch beef over some faggot who ain't even from here all up on the boards posting nonsense...be my guest man

but it's dirty in the city...

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
moeses..youre a white boy..you have no say in anything

dont even talk to me anymore until youre black


doofus lookin ass mutha fucka
i know hippy white girls that go to SDSU that look like you

what you gonna do if i call you out your name again? gentrify my neighborhood?


Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
lol @ a white boy asking me how does this topic concern me

how does what goes on in fillmore concern your white ass, tell me that?

better yet, how does ANYTHING a person of color does concern you?

OH, because you live in san francisco? that magically makes african american issues your business?
Apr 25, 2002
cus i'm from Fillmoe potna
grew up runnin with the Krumbsnatchas(fillmoe knows what up with that...nothing you'd hear on a rap song)
lived right next door to The Vall and two of my closest potnas are from The Vall
my cousins(yes cousins...black) we're from 5shot

that's what fillmoe gots to do with me


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
youngmoeses415: yo
AtUrAyAcAmEl: whattup
youngmoeses415: hey man...i'm just wondering
youngmoeses415: you got a problem with me?
youngmoeses415: or am i trippin?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: who the fuck are you
youngmoeses415: Young Moe
youngmoeses415: and in that JT thread
youngmoeses415: seems like you might have a problem
AtUrAyAcAmEl: young moe?
youngmoeses415: Moeses Soulright
youngmoeses415: if i'm mistaken
youngmoeses415: by all means...my apologies for even asking
youngmoeses415: but just looked a certain way to me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i laughed at you for tryna say people can be touched
youngmoeses415: so that's funny?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: yea it is
youngmoeses415: i don't get what's funny about that
AtUrAyAcAmEl: the fact that what you said would be considered a threat, and comin from you, thats not very scary
youngmoeses415: so you know who i am?
youngmoeses415: you know where i'm from
youngmoeses415: and who i roll with and such right?
youngmoeses415: i mean
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and thats suppose to scare me?
youngmoeses415: cuss you checked the pics
youngmoeses415: on moy page
youngmoeses415: not that one
youngmoeses415: so you know something about me right?
youngmoeses415: i ain'ttrying to scare you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: am i suppose to be scared right now?
youngmoeses415: i'm saying you said that ain't very scary...
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your not
youngmoeses415: so you think i'm a bitch?
youngmoeses415: right
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look if u got a problem wit me, feel free to come solo bolo to my town and we can square off
youngmoeses415: lol @ bolo
AtUrAyAcAmEl: otherwise, your another screen name
youngmoeses415: i know who you are already
youngmoeses415: ask Oso if i'm a screen name
youngmoeses415: that's my peoples
youngmoeses415: that's your dog right?
youngmoeses415: ask him if i'm a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: nope
youngmoeses415: ask big chill if i'm a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: oso is sumone i know and had lunch wit once
AtUrAyAcAmEl: did i call you a bitch?
youngmoeses415: you're implying i'm a bitch man
youngmoeses415: and i don't appreciate that
youngmoeses415: when i've had no dealings wtih you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you need to remember that u dont know a damn thing about me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: so stop comin at me sideways
youngmoeses415: you're wrong there cousin
youngmoeses415: i do know a thing about you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: act like a man and come at me correct
youngmoeses415: i know Assyrians from turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and?
youngmoeses415: so you're wrong that i don't know a thing about you
youngmoeses415: i know who you are
AtUrAyAcAmEl: good for you, wanna cookie?
youngmoeses415: only person who came sideways
youngmoeses415: IS YOU
youngmoeses415: so i was checking if there's a problem
youngmoeses415: or you were just generally being a shit starter on the board
youngmoeses415: or were you just fucking around
youngmoeses415: see i don't know these things
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you need to stop comin at me sideways
youngmoeses415: i'm coming at you with respect
youngmoeses415: i'm being pretty respectful
AtUrAyAcAmEl: no your not
youngmoeses415: if i was coming foul
youngmoeses415: i'd be saying i'm gonna light you up
youngmoeses415: or fuck you
youngmoeses415: or somehtin like that
youngmoeses415: my language been pretty cool
youngmoeses415: fuck you up
youngmoeses415: or somethin like that
youngmoeses415: but i haven't
youngmoeses415: that's not my intentions
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look your not shaking ground with me, weither u know me, or know bout me doesnt bother me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i laughed at what dude said about you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: now if thats grounds for you to start sum shit here
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im game
AtUrAyAcAmEl: otherwise, your another screen name
youngmoeses415: you didn't answer my question
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i juss did
youngmoeses415: do you have a problem with me?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: period
youngmoeses415: if not
AtUrAyAcAmEl: end of story
youngmoeses415: cut the talk out
youngmoeses415: it's that simple
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you know what?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: see me when you see me
youngmoeses415: lol
youngmoeses415: now i know you got problems
youngmoeses415: os fuck you fag
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you know enough about me to know where i stay apparently
youngmoeses415: and i will never see you cus you don't roll out your little farm town
youngmoeses415: dairy ass city, cow tippin shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: keep yappin you fruit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you internet thug
youngmoeses415: keep my name out your mouth or there will be some shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: i don't need no cows potna
youngmoeses415: i don't need to hit turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then shut your mouth
youngmoeses415: i'm from Fillmoe potna
youngmoeses415: we don't go to turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i dont give a fuck
youngmoeses415: i see you rap
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then stay your white ass in fillmoe
youngmoeses415: if you any good
youngmoeses415: i'll see you round
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you will see me
youngmoeses415: if you can get the busfare to the city
youngmoeses415: i'm sure i'll see you round
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said
youngmoeses415: don't be a bitch
youngmoeses415: keep the shit off the board
youngmoeses415: be a man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im in turlock all dam day
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: lol coem to turlock
youngmoeses415: same thing as come to wisconsin
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your the one that wants to make this shit a street thing
youngmoeses415: what are you gonna do?
youngmoeses415: SHOOT ME?
youngmoeses415: lol you gonna shoot me if i come to turlock lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u come at me sideways for laughin at sumone elses qoute
AtUrAyAcAmEl: naw, i dont need guns
youngmoeses415: lol this guys gonna shoot me
youngmoeses415: well who the fuck you think we are?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said come see me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: we'll square up
youngmoeses415: lol lol lol lol
youngmoeses415: i'll meet you at the playground @ 3pm sharp right after match class
youngmoeses415: lol we ain't for play man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look either plan on comin to handle your problem or leave me the fuck alone
youngmoeses415: you don't wanna fight me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you wastin my time
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i honestly dont wanna fight anyone, i dont have that kinda energy, but if u wanna do it, lets do it
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: id rather handle it then sit here and hear you talk a gang of shit
youngmoeses415: lol
youngmoeses415: blood if you seen us, you would change your mind
youngmoeses415: i don't care how tough you are
youngmoeses415: but you'll see it ain't that kinda thing
AtUrAyAcAmEl: first you call me cousin, now u callin me blood?
youngmoeses415: so be careful who you talk about
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your a joke homeboy
youngmoeses415: I'm FROM FILLMOE BUDDY
youngmoeses415: that's how we speak
youngmoeses415: learn about it
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look, get in your bucket and come to turlock right now
youngmoeses415: dog
youngmoeses415: who the fuck goes to turlock
youngmoeses415: if i roll all the way out there
AtUrAyAcAmEl: ill even give you my number so u can get diretions
youngmoeses415: you know what will happen if i come out there?
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you gonna shoot me?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said, either come to turlock right now, or leave your net thug bullshit to sum bitch whos gonna be scared
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i got nothin to lose homie, life aint worth livin to me, i fight to stay alive everyday, so come make my job a lil easier
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u apparently know alot about me, so come to turlock and ask around for my place of residence and we can handle this
youngmoeses415: dude...go to sleep
youngmoeses415: i feel sorry for you now
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: alright
youngmoeses415: i'll see you the second you ever are up here
youngmoeses415: i'll put your name on every flyer for every show i have
youngmoeses415: so people will know you're coming
youngmoeses415: pay per view event
AtUrAyAcAmEl: juss like every other siccness cat that talks shit
youngmoeses415: then i'll stomp you out
youngmoeses415: then my peoples will stomp you out
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you really wanna make this a war?
youngmoeses415: you don't understand lil man
youngmoeses415: you're saying come see you
youngmoeses415: what you think we see people about?
youngmoeses415: you don't want all that
youngmoeses415: you don't wanna see what 10 samoans do when mad
youngmoeses415: we can all catch a bullet
youngmoeses415: but that's what it'll come down to
youngmoeses415: who the fuck wants that
youngmoeses415: all i'm sayin is...don't go acting like someones a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you want that
youngmoeses415: lol i don't want that man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you actin like i called you a bitch
youngmoeses415: that's just what happens ifpeople say COME SEE ME
AtUrAyAcAmEl: go read that thread and see what i posted
youngmoeses415: you basically did potna
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then come at me sideways again
youngmoeses415: and instead of being like "my bad, i was just fuckin around"
youngmoeses415: you got antagonistic
youngmoeses415: i'm grown lil man...i put in my work
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and if u wanna talk about gun play, ill be at my house with the rifles loaded
youngmoeses415: my big homies are THE BIG HOMIES you dig
AtUrAyAcAmEl: dont call me lil man
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: dont underestimate shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u dont know a thing
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u can either act tough over a few words, or forget we had this convo and no one has to "catch bullets"
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im not scared of shit homie, i lived thru shit u would shit in ur pants, i dont need ur net drama
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you still want my number so we can do this
AtUrAyAcAmEl: one on one, lets square up
youngmoeses415: dog...
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look here you fuckin white boy, you came at me sideways talkin about stompin me out
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i might not be the biggest mutha fucka, or the toughest
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and i might not beat your ass
AtUrAyAcAmEl: but i swear to god on my fuckin grandmas grave when i catch you, i wont stop til you kill me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: thats my last words to you homie, take them how you want, this is what u wanted
youngmoeses415: so be it

This Is How Dude Comes At Me For Laughin At His Picture Lol


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
Your A Joke Dude, Stay Yo Corny Ass In Fillmoe You Waste Of Time

And Thats Not Being A Snitch, Krumsnatchas, Fuck You Snatch? Candy


East 27 mack e$O...
Jun 8, 2005
oaKlanD u.S.spray
youngmoeses415: yo
AtUrAyAcAmEl: whattup
youngmoeses415: hey man...i'm just wondering
youngmoeses415: you got a problem with me?
youngmoeses415: or am i trippin?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: who the fuck are you
youngmoeses415: Young Moe
youngmoeses415: and in that JT thread
youngmoeses415: seems like you might have a problem
AtUrAyAcAmEl: young moe?
youngmoeses415: Moeses Soulright
youngmoeses415: if i'm mistaken
youngmoeses415: by all means...my apologies for even asking
youngmoeses415: but just looked a certain way to me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i laughed at you for tryna say people can be touched
youngmoeses415: so that's funny?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: yea it is
youngmoeses415: i don't get what's funny about that
AtUrAyAcAmEl: the fact that what you said would be considered a threat, and comin from you, thats not very scary
youngmoeses415: so you know who i am?
youngmoeses415: you know where i'm from
youngmoeses415: and who i roll with and such right?
youngmoeses415: i mean
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and thats suppose to scare me?
youngmoeses415: cuss you checked the pics
youngmoeses415: on moy page
youngmoeses415: not that one
youngmoeses415: so you know something about me right?
youngmoeses415: i ain'ttrying to scare you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: am i suppose to be scared right now?
youngmoeses415: i'm saying you said that ain't very scary...
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your not
youngmoeses415: so you think i'm a bitch?
youngmoeses415: right
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look if u got a problem wit me, feel free to come solo bolo to my town and we can square off
youngmoeses415: lol @ bolo
AtUrAyAcAmEl: otherwise, your another screen name
youngmoeses415: i know who you are already
youngmoeses415: ask Oso if i'm a screen name
youngmoeses415: that's my peoples
youngmoeses415: that's your dog right?
youngmoeses415: ask him if i'm a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: nope
youngmoeses415: ask big chill if i'm a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: oso is sumone i know and had lunch wit once
AtUrAyAcAmEl: did i call you a bitch?
youngmoeses415: you're implying i'm a bitch man
youngmoeses415: and i don't appreciate that
youngmoeses415: when i've had no dealings wtih you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you need to remember that u dont know a damn thing about me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: so stop comin at me sideways
youngmoeses415: you're wrong there cousin
youngmoeses415: i do know a thing about you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: act like a man and come at me correct
youngmoeses415: i know Assyrians from turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and?
youngmoeses415: so you're wrong that i don't know a thing about you
youngmoeses415: i know who you are
AtUrAyAcAmEl: good for you, wanna cookie?
youngmoeses415: only person who came sideways
youngmoeses415: IS YOU
youngmoeses415: so i was checking if there's a problem
youngmoeses415: or you were just generally being a shit starter on the board
youngmoeses415: or were you just fucking around
youngmoeses415: see i don't know these things
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you need to stop comin at me sideways
youngmoeses415: i'm coming at you with respect
youngmoeses415: i'm being pretty respectful
AtUrAyAcAmEl: no your not
youngmoeses415: if i was coming foul
youngmoeses415: i'd be saying i'm gonna light you up
youngmoeses415: or fuck you
youngmoeses415: or somehtin like that
youngmoeses415: my language been pretty cool
youngmoeses415: fuck you up
youngmoeses415: or somethin like that
youngmoeses415: but i haven't
youngmoeses415: that's not my intentions
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look your not shaking ground with me, weither u know me, or know bout me doesnt bother me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i laughed at what dude said about you
AtUrAyAcAmEl: now if thats grounds for you to start sum shit here
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im game
AtUrAyAcAmEl: otherwise, your another screen name
youngmoeses415: you didn't answer my question
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i juss did
youngmoeses415: do you have a problem with me?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: period
youngmoeses415: if not
AtUrAyAcAmEl: end of story
youngmoeses415: cut the talk out
youngmoeses415: it's that simple
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you know what?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: see me when you see me
youngmoeses415: lol
youngmoeses415: now i know you got problems
youngmoeses415: os fuck you fag
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you know enough about me to know where i stay apparently
youngmoeses415: and i will never see you cus you don't roll out your little farm town
youngmoeses415: dairy ass city, cow tippin shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: keep yappin you fruit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you internet thug
youngmoeses415: keep my name out your mouth or there will be some shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: i don't need no cows potna
youngmoeses415: i don't need to hit turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then shut your mouth
youngmoeses415: i'm from Fillmoe potna
youngmoeses415: we don't go to turlock
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i dont give a fuck
youngmoeses415: i see you rap
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then stay your white ass in fillmoe
youngmoeses415: if you any good
youngmoeses415: i'll see you round
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you will see me
youngmoeses415: if you can get the busfare to the city
youngmoeses415: i'm sure i'll see you round
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said
youngmoeses415: don't be a bitch
youngmoeses415: keep the shit off the board
youngmoeses415: be a man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im in turlock all dam day
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: lol coem to turlock
youngmoeses415: same thing as come to wisconsin
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your the one that wants to make this shit a street thing
youngmoeses415: what are you gonna do?
youngmoeses415: SHOOT ME?
youngmoeses415: lol you gonna shoot me if i come to turlock lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u come at me sideways for laughin at sumone elses qoute
AtUrAyAcAmEl: naw, i dont need guns
youngmoeses415: lol this guys gonna shoot me
youngmoeses415: well who the fuck you think we are?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said come see me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: we'll square up
youngmoeses415: lol lol lol lol
youngmoeses415: i'll meet you at the playground @ 3pm sharp right after match class
youngmoeses415: lol we ain't for play man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look either plan on comin to handle your problem or leave me the fuck alone
youngmoeses415: you don't wanna fight me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you wastin my time
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i honestly dont wanna fight anyone, i dont have that kinda energy, but if u wanna do it, lets do it
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: id rather handle it then sit here and hear you talk a gang of shit
youngmoeses415: lol
youngmoeses415: blood if you seen us, you would change your mind
youngmoeses415: i don't care how tough you are
youngmoeses415: but you'll see it ain't that kinda thing
AtUrAyAcAmEl: first you call me cousin, now u callin me blood?
youngmoeses415: so be careful who you talk about
AtUrAyAcAmEl: your a joke homeboy
youngmoeses415: I'm FROM FILLMOE BUDDY
youngmoeses415: that's how we speak
youngmoeses415: learn about it
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look, get in your bucket and come to turlock right now
youngmoeses415: dog
youngmoeses415: who the fuck goes to turlock
youngmoeses415: if i roll all the way out there
AtUrAyAcAmEl: ill even give you my number so u can get diretions
youngmoeses415: you know what will happen if i come out there?
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you gonna shoot me?
AtUrAyAcAmEl: like i said, either come to turlock right now, or leave your net thug bullshit to sum bitch whos gonna be scared
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i got nothin to lose homie, life aint worth livin to me, i fight to stay alive everyday, so come make my job a lil easier
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u apparently know alot about me, so come to turlock and ask around for my place of residence and we can handle this
youngmoeses415: dude...go to sleep
youngmoeses415: i feel sorry for you now
AtUrAyAcAmEl: come see me
youngmoeses415: alright
youngmoeses415: i'll see you the second you ever are up here
youngmoeses415: i'll put your name on every flyer for every show i have
youngmoeses415: so people will know you're coming
youngmoeses415: pay per view event
AtUrAyAcAmEl: juss like every other siccness cat that talks shit
youngmoeses415: then i'll stomp you out
youngmoeses415: then my peoples will stomp you out
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you really wanna make this a war?
youngmoeses415: you don't understand lil man
youngmoeses415: you're saying come see you
youngmoeses415: what you think we see people about?
youngmoeses415: you don't want all that
youngmoeses415: you don't wanna see what 10 samoans do when mad
youngmoeses415: we can all catch a bullet
youngmoeses415: but that's what it'll come down to
youngmoeses415: who the fuck wants that
youngmoeses415: all i'm sayin is...don't go acting like someones a bitch
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you want that
youngmoeses415: lol i don't want that man
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you actin like i called you a bitch
youngmoeses415: that's just what happens ifpeople say COME SEE ME
AtUrAyAcAmEl: go read that thread and see what i posted
youngmoeses415: you basically did potna
AtUrAyAcAmEl: then come at me sideways again
youngmoeses415: and instead of being like "my bad, i was just fuckin around"
youngmoeses415: you got antagonistic
youngmoeses415: i'm grown lil man...i put in my work
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and if u wanna talk about gun play, ill be at my house with the rifles loaded
youngmoeses415: my big homies are THE BIG HOMIES you dig
AtUrAyAcAmEl: dont call me lil man
youngmoeses415: lol
AtUrAyAcAmEl: dont underestimate shit
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u dont know a thing
AtUrAyAcAmEl: u can either act tough over a few words, or forget we had this convo and no one has to "catch bullets"
AtUrAyAcAmEl: im not scared of shit homie, i lived thru shit u would shit in ur pants, i dont need ur net drama
AtUrAyAcAmEl: you still want my number so we can do this
AtUrAyAcAmEl: one on one, lets square up
youngmoeses415: dog...
AtUrAyAcAmEl: look here you fuckin white boy, you came at me sideways talkin about stompin me out
AtUrAyAcAmEl: i might not be the biggest mutha fucka, or the toughest
AtUrAyAcAmEl: and i might not beat your ass
AtUrAyAcAmEl: but i swear to god on my fuckin grandmas grave when i catch you, i wont stop til you kill me
AtUrAyAcAmEl: thats my last words to you homie, take them how you want, this is what u wanted
youngmoeses415: so be it

This Is How Dude Comes At Me For Laughin At His Picture Lol

lol :hurt::hurt::hurt: put this whole thread in classic lmao

*go to smoke newport on the steps *

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
gas face is a bitch who rolls with nothin but white dudes anyway,30 year old spray paint faggot,get a job u bummy mutherfucka,and the other dude ARMEN HAMMER is on some detective shit,he a PIG
what white person do i know?

tell me, because not even i know what white person i roll with

and i work for nasa, bruh.
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