Fuck the B.A.R.S awards...

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Dec 7, 2005
or cuz of the shit that happened during that minutemen protest? where there was a fight and oso was there?
Aug 8, 2003
the_truth_ said:
But these niggaz are nominated 2 and they are nortes 2 right? :

lil coner
city side crews
yup, which is why im not really trying to push this as a racist issue even tho it may look like it is.. im speaking for myself when i say this but i dont pull the race card until theres a smoking gun of their decision being based on his skin color... but as oso said he wasnt the only one they were looking at 86ing from the award show, so dont expect for those nominated and voted to be on there
Jan 15, 2006
TROLL said:
yup, which is why im not really trying to push this as a racist issue even tho it may look like it is.. im speaking for myself when i say this but i dont pull the race card until theres a smoking gun of their decision being based on his skin color... but as oso said he wasnt the only one they were looking at 86ing from the award show, so dont expect for those nominated and voted to be on there
I just checked the bars site and as of now scweez got the most votes (3000 soemthing).. thats crazy to me cuz o boy sucks.. its a popularity contest and it dont have shit to with who is the actual "best latin artist"

Niggaz like louie loco, mr. kee and don cisco spit fire and all of them combined dont even got half the votes scweez wack ass got..
Aug 8, 2003
the_truth_ said:
I just checked the bars site and as of now scweez got the most votes (3000 soemthing).. thats crazy to me cuz o boy sucks.. its a popularity contest and it dont have shit to with who is the actual "best latin artist"

Niggaz like louie loco, mr. kee and don cisco spit fire and all of them combined dont even got half the votes scweez wack ass got..
daaaam.. it seems like removing certain artists gaveway for others to win by default.. LOL that is sad, i never even heard of that cat "scweez"((not taking anything away from his music)). and i agree all those names mentioned above got some skillz and arent being represented right.. lets see how many non-hyphy artists actually get anywhere in this award show
Jul 20, 2002
I think what they are saying is they don't have enough security or insurance to cover what may happen if it turns into a Norteno vs. Sureno thing or some excuse for a gang shooting at the BARS awards. Then they will be shut down indefinitely by the City and this thing seems to be a cash cow for somebody.
Mar 1, 2006
BIG OSO LOCC would of tore the competition fuck the watered down shit, Troll I agree they took some fools out so some hyphy pussies can win by default, and make there record labels look good or whatever, I dont even know who that scweez foo is either but i def think OSO LOcc had a good chance of winning who else spits that real shit?

You full of shit if you think it was cuz of insurance reasons FUCK THE BARS AWARDS!!!!!!


Feb 27, 2006
Pure Life said:
actually you are...

how old are you by the way? 14-15? I've seen your picture before..I assumed you're at least 24 with the mentality of a 14 year old girl..

but hey...when you start getting "MAGAZINES" at home with your real name on it...don't get mad...


by the way...I'm gonna spam you with GAY PORN MAGAZINES..did it to my cousin and a few friends..you're next.. :cool:
Apr 13, 2006
Sav_Scorcese said:
I think what they are saying is they don't have enough security or insurance to cover what may happen if it turns into a Norteno vs. Sureno thing or some excuse for a gang shooting at the BARS awards. Then they will be shut down indefinitely by the City and this thing seems to be a cash cow for somebody.
what kind of a sureno is gonna go 2 a bars awards ? slicc ricc ? "lolololol" u gotta be kidding

o yea.....also....i aint hating on scweez, do yo thang. but the only reason i see him winning is cuz of mistah fab !!!!!!!
May 14, 2006
Pure Life said:
you don't get it dawg...

how they gonna say "oh he gonna bring the wrong crowd"

i mean...what about the rest of the artist?..not just latinos but the brothas as well...some of them are felons as well..familiar with street/turf wars...

u get my point tho?

i get what u sayen but there is hella people who didnt make it like my niggah
burner who co produced slap in tha trunk mixtape from thizz ent.he is also producen for keyshia cole (how ever u spell it) and she sell millions homie.


Sicc OG
Feb 4, 2004
The point is, he was suppose to be on there. Got the sufficient votes, but didn't make it. Why? That's what this thread is about. We can come up with some conspiracy theories but I'll combine what everyone's been dancing around. BARS Awards is a bunch of BS. Until it's organized fairly well, it won't succeed and will just fade away like our previous awards show in the mid-90s. To be honest, I don't give a damn who wins best song, best latin rapper, best groupie. Do you guys care who wins Billboards Best Hip Hop Artist? The only people's that are really into the BARS awards that aren't in the industry are groupies (females and dudes), getting they pictures and getting autographs. What does the BARS award really do to further someone's career? I really wanna know, someone please edumacate me. Let's continue this conversation without the stupid "i'm hard on the internet routine", keep that on the street. This is treal talk without all the BS.
Apr 25, 2002
Its a shame that Big Oso Loc didnt make it, but ya know its not breaking him whatsoever. BARS Awards is slowly gaining a lot of attention to outside sources Magazines, Record companys etc. In my opinion its a popularity contest, based on whats being played and how much is being heard, and whose talking about which artists. Oso is a solid dude and he brought it to our attention on how things are ran. A lot of Scweez followers are females and well if he could get 30k females to buy his albums, hes doin his job stepping his game up by getting people to buy his records. Whats garbage to you is another persons treasure. If you dont like his music by all means support someone elses hustle. If you follow latin music its about glamour n fame. Those that are in the latin music world start off hard then soften up their image cause its the women of this world thats buying a lot of music that they feel. This is a regional awards show, so just be happy that there are other homies in the category that deserve to get votes just like every other category that they have.
Apr 7, 2006
Sav_Scorcese said:
I think what they are saying is they don't have enough security or insurance to cover what may happen if it turns into a Norteno vs. Sureno thing or some excuse for a gang shooting at the BARS awards.
Was there any Sureno artists that were nominated?

I honestly don't know, but it'd prob'ly be safe to assume that if the people behind the "awards show" had a Norte/Sur bloodbath in mind, it would be a Sur rapper excluded form the ballot... since e'erybody except for the hyphy cat Scweeze & Gorilla Pits seems to be XIV'd out...

I don't really listen to Norte/Sur stuff, but if Oso was originally on the ballot and then got removed, that is sum punk shyt!

They shoulda kept him on, even though I think Scweeze (however the #*@% you spellit) woulda won, cuz the whole hyphy thang, song on radio w/ FAB 'Stooid Dumb Hyfee' (which I'm not a fan of)....ect...

But hey, at least that way the awards would've had one less oportunity to be accused of h8in'...
If things continue to go the way they are, all legitamecy for the BARS will be lost...

My take on the race issue: I don't think the awards are being racist... Other latin artists are on the ballot... I would see the race card gettin' pulled if they had no Latin category and there were no Latin nominees at all in any catagory...

From my personal experience... (a 28yr old brotha that dun stayed all over the bay, got family/folks in Oakland, Hayward, Richmond, Pittsburg, San Jose)... The majority of peoples I know have heard of Scweeze and only few know about Big Oso Loco... Not to take anything away from Oso, but it seems out of all my folks, the only ones that give Norte/Sur gangbang rap the time of day are the Ese gangbang homies and a few white folks that are infatuated with that life... And out of the Ese gangbang homies, they always say there's somebody from their hood/set that spits harder than whatever rapper they was origianlly talkin' about anyway...

Meanwhile Scweeze has been on the radio, performs regularly at clubs, and has a friendlier vibe about him. Chicks like friendly (borderline goofy)... Chicks listen to the radio... They get a flyer about a show and they like "Oh, that's the guy who's on 94.9... He got that song 'Stoopid Dumb Hyfee'... Oooh free shots b4 11... Gurl, let's go!" If the girls go to the club, the dudes are fo sho gon' be there... Guess wut? We end up witta packed club that's makin' hellu money...

A club witta 1/1 girl to guy ratio or better = less chance of fights.. people willing to pay higher cover, buy out bar, git ass, have good time... $ is made

A club wit mostly dudes = A buncha dudes standing up against the wall lookin' hard at best, club getting shot up at worst. Fights will get a club shut down early (or permanently)... $ is lost

Unfortunately for my ese gangbang potnas that're aspiring rap artists, I don't know of many over 21 females that jock their style of rap as hard as the hyfee stuff... The average 21+ female clubgoer might get a flyer and be like, "these guys look like they'd try to kill me" and go to wuteva club that is being advertised on 94.9

Wether it's real or not, flossin', pullin' bad bitches, buyin' out the bar at clubs seems to have more appeal to the majority of residents in the bay... Unfortunately, Big Oso Loc will not get his fair proof of that cuz of sum faulty ass politics...

Nowadays the politics of rap/hip hop seem to be more important than the actual quality of the music... for better or for worse... It is a bidness

I personally liked the 90's better cuz evr'y body could sell units w/o worrying about the club/radio play....

I bet Oso'll use this situation to his advantage cuz there are a gang of nortes out here that'll probly support him in an idustry rebellion...
Do y'al thang!

Good luck to all in this rap game... Payce
Apr 7, 2006
Pure Life said:

well said homie...i like tha shit...
Rite on - Thanx 4 tha read...

After I posted my thang.. I seen that you made a point that Big Oso had more votes than anybody else...

If that's the case, the BARS are totally illegitimate... it looks like an industry rebellion could pop off alot quicker than I had previously thought!