thanks for the support ppl...
the bad news got is hurts to walk, to laugh, cough, sneeze, shit, piss...ohhhh mommaaa...the painwhen i i know i never want ot end up somebodys sex slave in jail...only thing i can compare it to, when im pissing after the pee stops coming out and its time for that lil push (guys know what im talking about) to get mroe out, it feels like 20 dicks simultaneously entering my asshole and riping it to shreds....knes buckling and tears rolling down my cheecks,,, shit makes a grown man wanna cry for reals no joke...aint done nothing the past 3 days but lay on myside or stomach and hope i dont have to go to the bathroom...ive stoped eating and drinking for fear of the pain when i try to shit or piss...even farting is torture.
maybe too much info butmore of a warning to the siccness homeys to take ocare ofyourselves...ill be outta work this weekend and i gotta go to the doc on saturday...shit is nerve wrecking...i think im ODing on ibuprofencuz i be waking up in the middle of the night 2-3 times in a heavy sweat, sheets all wet and heartbeat racing but damn it hurts...even the miracle wonder drug marijuana aint enough...i cant even get in my car without looking like some old 80 yr old fogey w arthritis.....forget about kneeling down....forget about any sudden movements...this is torture...pray for ya boy.