^Yeah, but I think there are more knuckleheads out there that ruin it for the good potsmokers LOL I ain't got nothing against that stuff, though. If I had my own business, and ran into a few good workers that I knew smoked that shit, I wouldn't give a shit, as long as they get the job done and only did that shit on their own time, and never came to work high as kite. Because I know what the bosses go through. I came to work half shot a couple of times, and had to take a piss test and got suspended from work the 1st time and got fired the next time I did that. But I was a really good worker. I took my work serious. But I guess the fun times got to me, and I fucked up. I won't make that mistake again. I don't think I want to drink on work nights again. Just the weekends.