and thats the logic of the bank. they charge you, and if you dont have money, which is why you were charged in the first place, they charge you again for not having the money to pay the first charge. banks are obviously not for people with low amounts of money. even if you had 100,000 in there for a year, theyd still only give you 100$ interest. with inflation, you lose money because that 100,100 is no longer worth what that 100,000 was the year before. i guarantee you the would make more than 100$ off of investing and manipulating that capital of yours. they even pay you a few pennies more to put it into a c.d. where youre basically saying "heres some money, you have exactly 1 yr to flip it, go!" they will punish you more heavily for trying to use your money in this situation. the banks seem to use your money to make them insanely rich, and the poorer you are, the more you have to pay. and then where does it all go? into outrageous executive bonuses and private jets.