Boredom, loneliness and feelings of emptiness on deck. And dread too, I'm dreading Valentine's Day 2017 because it falls on a school day. I'll probably skip that day, I don't want to end up going full Elliot Rodgers, lol
Though a slightly nearer event I'm not looking forward to is Halloween, everybody else goes to Halloween house parties and I never been able to go to a single one. The intense rejection and social isolation is driving me damn near crazy. A lot of booze will be consumed that day, specifically by me drinking by my lonesome.
Though a slightly nearer event I'm not looking forward to is Halloween, everybody else goes to Halloween house parties and I never been able to go to a single one. The intense rejection and social isolation is driving me damn near crazy. A lot of booze will be consumed that day, specifically by me drinking by my lonesome.