Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Boredom, loneliness and feelings of emptiness on deck. And dread too, I'm dreading Valentine's Day 2017 because it falls on a school day. I'll probably skip that day, I don't want to end up going full Elliot Rodgers, lol

Though a slightly nearer event I'm not looking forward to is Halloween, everybody else goes to Halloween house parties and I never been able to go to a single one. The intense rejection and social isolation is driving me damn near crazy. A lot of booze will be consumed that day, specifically by me drinking by my lonesome.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
i dunno man some people think ill be too paranoid out in public bathrooms or just in general about germs like in stores or public places, but dude, as a security guard, ive seen the lowest of the low do some foul ass shit and you just can't risk your health because there are some serious, serious pieces of shit foul ass people out there. theyll spread blood around on purpose, or leave tainted shit

i still feel kinda bad i remember working in pioneer square at the underground tour this tourist chick got her foot pricked by a needle and was like "What do i do? is this bad? is this a diabetic needle? what do i do?!?" and all i could say was "You need to go to the hospital, i cant help you. id go to the hospital to be safe, i dont know what to tell you"

that shit was fucked up. i bet she caught something someone probably threw that on the ground on purpose