Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
Yeah. I have a big ass eucalyptus tree in my front yard and my parents have one in their back yard
Kinda funny story...

My Dad's cousin (2nd cousin? I donno), is deathly afraid of eucalyptus trees. She doesn't know why, or at least doesn't tell anyone, but she is fucking terrified of them. Like when you see people on Maury afraid of balloons, then they charge out with a ton of them and the person has a fit on stage.

When I was younger she went with my grandmother and other aunt to the SF zoo, we had to park down the street pretty far, and that little stretch of road is lined with eucalyptus trees. We get out of the car, take a few steps, she looks up and sees a wall of trees and fuckin loses it, she dives head first into the back seat, screaming and crying, rolls up into a ball, pulls a jacket over her head. And Im a little ass kid watching all this like "WTF is going on?"


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
One time some Mexican guy knocked on my door and wanted to trim my eucalyptus tree for free because he wanted the leaves. I was like oh hell yeah. I told my dad, and wanted me to tell the guy to go to his house to trim the eucalyptus tree in his backyard. I went outside to tell him, but he was already done... cleaned up and everything. Those messicans are some fast workers


Oct 21, 2002
One time some Mexican guy knocked on my door and wanted to trim my eucalyptus tree for free because he wanted the leaves. I was like oh hell yeah. I told my dad, and wanted me to tell the guy to go to his house to trim the eucalyptus tree in his backyard. I went outside to tell him, but he was already done... cleaned up and everything. Those messicans are some fast workers
one of my favorite ice breaker jokes is "how many Mexicans does it take to- nevermind, they're done already"
Nov 18, 2010
I find it funny how eucalyptus leafs get koalas high as fuck... and it is all they eat. Something funny (and maybe kinda sad) is they like to return home and if their original home gets forested they'll return baked just sitting their wondering what happened to their tree for hours.

Lookin like "where did I park my house?"