So I just spent the last 5 minutes repeating Cruri over and over in hopes of learning how to properly pronounce it. The good news is I think I figured it out- you just have to say Curry, Cory, and Quarry, and Rory all at the same time. The bad news- my neighbor thinks I relapsed on bath salts and brought over some Narcotics Anonymous literature to "share".
Yeah maybe Aston decided to step it up. He has been tolerable on the last few songs. Vince killed it as usual and Joey is a pretty competent producer for just starting out. He was saying he always kept an eye on Uzi and LeKen Taylor when in the studio and you can hear that some in his production.
i don't know if it's too far of a drive for you but there's a taco truck in the parking lot at home depot in el's parked right behind mcdonalds, and sometimes, there's even 2 taco trucks parked right there...
that mcdolans had cockroaches. according to the girl customer screaming as i walked in. she said dont eat here and i was like you see that taco truck? exactly. i'm here to shit and piss.