I worked with a "kid" (he was older than me, but acted like a kid) who had cerebral palsy. He was fully aware of his "inappropriate" behavior but liked to do that shit cuz he thought he was being funny or clever.
I'd ask him to do something and he'd be like "What is it nooowww" or "only if you're goooddd" in this high, squeaky voice and I always had to die laughing later about it because that shit is hella funny to say to a manger or co-worker. i could never say that shit.
this is the same kid who my friends and I would see riding his bike around town and we asked him one time where he was going and he said his girlfriends house. so my idiot buddy asked him if they were gonna "do it" and this kid goes "hell yeah. HONK-HONK HONK-HONK" and makes a booby squeezing motion with both hands, but because of his disability he couldnt squeeze both hands at the same time. so it would be the four fingers and no thumb on one hand, and a thumb and no fingers on the other hand. shit was fucked up but hilarious.