The Pizza Burger is a burger sold exclusively at the BK Whopper Bar location in Times Square, New York City that was introduced in September 2010. It consists of four Whopper patties on a 9.5 inch sesame bun,[28] sliced into six pieces and topped with pepperoni, mozzarella, Tuscan pesto and marinara sauce.[29] The whole burger contains more than the recommended daily allowance of calories for men at 2,520 calories, with 144 grams of fat, 59g of which is saturated, and 3,780 mg of sodium, more than double the recommended daily allowance for adults.[28][30] However, according to Burger King's Vice President of global marketing, John Schaufelberger, the burger is not intended to feed just one person.[31] Each slice has 420 calories, 24 g fat (10 g saturated), and 630 mg sodium.