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Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
Yeah two that I know of, the One Nation album and the Dior EP. They are releasing their first album under the Dean Blunt and Inga Copeland moniker next week called Black is Beautiful.

The One Nation album is cut up into actual songs but the Dior EP is just one long kind of mix of sounds.
this is the last you said on the subject until today

no links


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
LOL...aww you brehs are funny! @Soco... I couldn't do that to the cuppy... nor would I do that to myself. Who ever said I was a sleep around whore anyway? You fucker! No respect for women these days... SMH.

Whatever happened to the good old days when you took your time to get to know someone first? Back when people went on dates (and acutal dates like movies and dinner...not the fuckin' bar) and the men picked you up, opened doors, and pulled out your chair, etc.? Now everyone is so damn promiscuous that's all anyone ever thinks about... fuckin' fuckin' fuckin'... ish.

I do need to make a trip to Cali tho...
its better to fuck on the first date. why put in all that time/effort/money when you know you'll fuck eventually anyway. and what if the sex is no bueno & you aren't compatible? all that for nothing.