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Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
I'm going hit up Biscuit Bitch one of these days before I head back to work Nato. I'll let you know what I got and what I thought when I do.

Was just checking yelp (for pics, I don't read what morons type although it seemed to be mostly positive reviews from a quick glance) and most of the stuff looked pretty fucking good.
Yelp is hit and miss... I find spots with all 5 stars to be false, like the owners manipulated it. I think 4 stars typically is real deal good, because you always have random assholes that vote down for stupid ass reasons, but mainly get positive reviews.

2 and 1 star is typically shit!

I find a lot of new places on yelp, but yea let me know what you think. I enjoyed it.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Just had one of those out at this lodge way out in the middle of the fuckin woods about 9,000 feet up the mountain. Dirt roads to get to that shit.

one of the hyphiest cheeseburgers ever. They had thick cut bacon and melted a bunch of shredded cheddar on top, the bottom bun piece was struggling for survival under the 1lb burger and all that thick cut bacon

they also gave the choice of fries, tater tots, or fresh kettle chips, had to roll with some tots
It's not a pound (I'd say around 1/2 pound) but this is easily the best burger spot I've ever been to now that I've had it a few times..

Already miss this place :(

Had one of these each day I was in Portland

I've only gotten the Lil Mo all four times I've hit it up (including once all three days on my recent P-Town trip lol). That burger is so fucking good. Oddly enough it's not even the one people seem to talk about the most from the cart. They do so much business they just opened up a store front too I guess but I didn't hit that up, I like the cart vibe. Like literally all the other stands would have 2-3 people buying stuff and another few looking and the Brunch Box never had a line of less than like 10 people at any point when I went there. It's awesome and if you are ever in Portland for some reason make sure you go there.

Brunch Box Food Cart | food cart, SW 5th Ave & Stark St, Portland, OR


Judo Chop ur Spirit
May 8, 2002
Like look at this dumb ass 1-star yelp review for biscuit bitch:

Another place run by hipsters more interested in their tattoos and piercings than providing good service. But this is not why I give them only one star. I am giving them one star because they are blatantly breaking the law by setting tables and chairs on the sidewalk--not just on the side of the sidewalk next to their store but on the curbside too. I am not sure if this is just on weekends or during the week too. I suspect the former but I never go by there Monday - Friday so can't say for sure. I would happily report them to the Seattle Department of Transportation but it's unlikely they'll do anything because SDOT employees are even lazier than tattooed and pierced hipsters.

As for their biscuits: I have only had one or two with nothing on them. (That's how I prefer my biscuits.) They were fine but not quite as good as the ones I bake.

what a dumb hoe.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Portland is really cool too. I like that everything is flat and that you can pretty much walk from one side of the city to the other rather easily. The vibe was really cool as it had everything you want in a big city but had a small town feel to it somehow, something like that. To me at least it felt cleaner and safer than Seattle (not that Seattle is bad by any means) and I liked the street art that is all over the place.


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
[SIZE=+1]All my health care providers have terminated me for no explainable or true reason except this, that I know of and maybe their guilt or fear that they were dishonest. I can't bear to read it:

I had several crazy people respond to my ads and some res[SIZE=+1]ponded to what [SIZE=+1]a man who tried to kill me; I was unconscious at 65 and am mostly bedridden for 14 yr[SIZE=+1]s; thus needing help. T[SIZE=+1]wo husbands of my workers believed the slander on google and so I lost my best helper[SIZE=+1]s![/SIZE]. I only have [SIZE=+1]2 productive hours in the day and [SIZE=+1]even my he[SIZE=+1]alth care providers have terminated me, except maybe my [SIZE=+1]Intern[SIZE=+1]ist[/SIZE][/SIZE]. I have no money, no body, no brain and my house is [SIZE=+1]goin[SIZE=+1]g to be foreclosed and I have no way of saving all my things. [/SIZE]This man is [SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1]viscous[/SIZE] and malicious and manag[SIZE=+1]ed to make up all the evidence (I was unconscious) and there was no evidence for me during the hearing and I ha[SIZE=+1]d severe Post-traum[SIZE=+1]atic Stress and was too frantic and frightened to talk, tho the lawyers did nothing that I asked them to do, say, (or carefully written documents inte[SIZE=+1]nded for others were kept[SIZE=+1])[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
[/SIZE] due to the unconcern of the lawyers. I ended up with 5 fractured ribs and 3 concussions[SIZE=+1], plus a deep hole in my right post-temporal (an[SIZE=+1] area that makes one less inhibited and possibly very angry[SIZE=+1])[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] I am attaching my resume' to show my credibility[SIZE=+1], but all of this; horrible pain w/o medication, no time will cause me to suicide if [SIZE=+1]Google doesn't get to the[SIZE=+1]m[SIZE=+1]. I ha[SIZE=+1]d a trojan on my system; [SIZE=+1]AVG took it off. Thank you for any assistance. Candis Williams

[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]Worst of all; I just looked for the 300+ documents that had my evidence, and they were all corrupted, I am afraid by the AVGers trying to get my Trojan out.