Pet peeve: Open your fuckin store on time.
I go to get a couple t-shirts before I take my test, I pull up, store is supposed to open at 10am. It's 10:01 I walk up to the door, its locked and most of the lights are off, I look inside and there are a handful of employees milling about the store. I get it, shit happens, not a big deal, they'll open in a minute, so I go sit on the bench. In the time I'm waiting 7 or 8 people do the same thing. 10:15 still nothing. About 10:20 an employee shows up, knocks, and is let in, locking the door behind her. 10:25 the doors finally open, people file in, all the lights are still off, and none of the registers are on/open. I grab my shit, wait for the register and go. I get back to my truck its 10:35. 34 minutes to buy a black t-shirt.
My complaint isn't with not getting what I want asap, or this trip or whatever, it's just t-shirts, its this acceptance of being late I'm seeing more and more. Once a week, my day is delayed because some punk-ass kid is dragging their feet, on a break, or fucking with their phone instead of paying attention. And nobody cares, and its inexplicably tolerated.
I guess I just don't get being chronically late, and I don't get how people slide on it. I get being late, happens to everybody. But you can tell when some shit has gone down to make someone late, vs. that asshole that's late absolutely everywhere. I've had coworkers, late, every day, between 15-30 minutes. Makes you wanna fuckin shake them "Leave the fuckin house 15 minutes earlier!". Its your job to be somewhere at a certain time.