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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
they were probably like FFFFUUUUUUUUUU when bath salts were banned earlier this year pending investigation on their effects lol

sometimes i wonder how blown out of proportion the reports are; like duh obviously its bad these people are doing crazy cannibal shit, but whos to say they werent already fucked up from drinking all the time / smoking crack all the time

alcohol + crack is pretty bad, add in a mental illness then some bath salts and you get zombies

i dont recall anyone normal ever going crazy from bath salts alone except for that one guy who was relatively normal and was snorting it recreationally, and did something crazy like hurt his wife or something


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
[h=3]Abstract[/h][h=4]INTRODUCTION:[/h]The use of designer drugs commonly marketed as bath salts or plant food has risen dramatically in recent years. Several different synthetic cathinones have been indentified in these products, including mephedrone, 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV), and 4-fluoromethcathinone (flephedrone). We report a case of bath salt intoxication with quantitative MDPV and flephedrone levels in a patient's serum and urine, and from the bath salt product.
[h=4]CASE REPORT:[/h]A 23-year-old male with a prior psychiatric history arrived via EMS for bizarre behavior, suicidality, and hallucinations after reportedly insufflating a bath salt. He was found to have MDPV levels of 186 and 136 ng/mL in his serum and urine, respectively, and flephedrone levels of 346 and 257 ng/mL in the serum and urine, respectively. The white powder in question was found to contain 143 μg MDPV and 142 μg flephedrone per milligram powder. His psychosis and agitation resolved with lorazepam, droperidol, and observation in the emergency department.
[h=4]DISCUSSION:[/h]Agitation, psychosis, movement disorders, tachycardia, and hypertension have all been attributed to the use of MDPV; there are no prior reports detailing clinical experience with flephedrone. Considering that our patient's serum flephedrone levels were twofold higher than his MDPV level, it is likely flephedrone contributed to his clinical toxicity. This case suggests the possibility that fluorinated cathinones, such as flephedrone, may have altered metabolism and/or elimination which may affect their course of clinical toxicity. This case highlights the evolving composition of synthetic cathinones found in bath salt products.
lol. i thought bath salt only contained mephedrone. wtf @ it being adulterated with other shit.

im not up on how it is in the street, are people passing bath salt mixed with other shit as other drugs? like sell it as meth, but its really bath salt + pcp or some shit?


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
dude i dont do drugs, fuck that. i barely even smoke weed anymore. ive never used meth and never used bath salts and i plan on goign my entire life without fucking with them ever. ill fuck with some high quality coke if i know its rather unadulterated and a good price but i havent had the urge to try and find any for quite a while. ill fuck with some shrooms like once a year and get drunk every now and then, but fuck drugs. i used to take a lot of opiates but now they just make me sick and make me feel like im not getting enough air and i hate that shit


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Re: Mephedrone Psychosis
[HR][/HR] It's worth noting that the active ingredients in products sold as "bath salts" are often ambiguous. The product these individuals consumed may not have been mephedrone. It could just as easily have been another beta-ketone, a mixture of multiple substances, or even something else entirely.

I do however agree that bingeing on mephedrone and other beta-ketones seems to increase the likelihood of these kinds of side-effects. The effects of the drug are reinforcing and cause users to often continue re-dosing compulsively for hours or days on end. Experience reports where grams and grams of beta-ketones are consumed in a single prelonged binge are found throughout this forum, and this seems to have been the case with at least one of the two users you refer to. This as you might expect rarely ends well and even over short term use can cause people to run into psychological difficulty.

It's important to remember that cathinones are close relatives of the amphetamines, and that the pyrollidino beta-ketones (e.g. MDPV) are closely related to the very potent stimulant Pyrovalerone. As such these compounds are extremely strong psychoactives and can trigger a stimulant psychosis much like the more commonly reported amphetamine psychosis. Legal status and availability are not an indication that these substances are inherently safer than illicit drugs.

Of particular concern was the individual you comment on that used these substances and suffers from depression. There have been a number of high-profile media stories in the UK where cathinone users have committed suicide during or immediately after a binge. Stimulant abuse is an incredibly dangerous game for someone with a depressive disorder to be playing.. it can warp the mind and provide a strength of conviction that allows them to do something terminal. Mixing it with antidepressants creates another unpredictable factor, but one I'd think is more likely to have a negative outcome than a positive one.