But did he get paid? Nobody is going to pay some unknown rapper 200k for an interview. Then asked where the interview is, he says it won't be released for 60 days.
There have been extortion claims & such but I wasent there so
I dont know for sure. But I have met that guy 100 times over, they are always the same type of liar.
VEVO allows you to get paid more than a standard youtube video because they are running a shit load of ads. VEVO also translates to Itunes downloads for your music videos. It costly to have a VEVO so i guess thats why people associate it with "making it". it doesn't necessarily mean you made it, but does put you at a better situation that most artists.
VEVO allows you to get paid more than a standard youtube video because they are running a shit load of ads. VEVO also translates to Itunes downloads for your music videos. It costly to have a VEVO so i guess thats why people associate it with "making it". it doesn't necessarily mean you made it, but does put you at a better situation that most artists.
no one really goes to vevo to watch videos tho, maybe the 1st time you see it & they premiere it on vevo/a site embeds the video. i usually just wait for it to be on youtube
Ahhhhhhh some people are actually trying to stand up for this bitch on Facebook. What in the motherfuck. I think I'm just not gonna check that shit for a week or so before I punch my laptop.
Man, Mega is the shit. I downloaded Jason Molina's whole discography someone posted on another board and shit is around 2gbs and it took like 7 minutes to download. That shit is fast as fuck.
joey fatts said he wasnt gonna put out chipper jones 2 until he gets 10k followers & someone bought him like 50k followers lol, now hes blaming it on raider klan? like...?