Based God was the first to use it, it's produced by Clams Casino, and the instrumental is one one of Clams beat tapes so yeah hella rappers probably have used it. I never heard the Jacka or Joe Blow one, but I think Pepper Boy does it jusice, I haven't heard a bunch of his stuff but I like what I have and it's on a free EP coming soon, so whatever.
Dude is from Little Rock, and has recently worked with Main Attrakionz who you probably have no idea who they are (duo of Squadda B & MondreM.A.N. out of Oakland) and other members of Green Ova (their crew) who I have been a fan of for awhile and that's where I first heard of him. He's also working with a few of my favorite up coming producers who I'm positive you have never heard of so no need to name them haha.