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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Mi Goreng instant noodles under investigation
David Ramli
November 9, 2010

One of Australia's favourite instant noodle products, Mi Goreng, is currently under investigation by food authorities in Australia and Singapore after being pulled from shelves in Taiwan.

Produced by the world's largest noodle manufacturer, IndoMie, the Indonesian product is found in supermarkets around Australia, including Coles, Woolworths and IGA, as well as specialty Asian grocery stores.

In early October, Taiwanese health authorities recalled the product after finding banned amounts of the chemicals Methyl P-Hydroxybenzoate (E218) and Benzoic acid, both of which are used in cosmetics and as food preservatives. Singaporean authorities also announced investigations into the product but chose not to recall it.
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A spokeswoman for Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) confirmed that state-based health authorities have spent the past four weeks testing the noodles around the nation.

"The main importer [for Australia] doesn't use those chemicals," she said. "Some specialty Asian shops may also bring it in, however both those chemicals are permitted preservatives.

"It's not likely to be unsafe...what we're checking is the levels to make sure they're safe."

Oriental Merchants is the only authorised Australian importer of Mi Goreng. Its marketing manager, Jom Pacheco, said E218 was banned for consumption in Australian noodles and claimed to have no knowledge of the second chemical.

"[The chemical] is allowed by Indonesian food standards and in some other countries in certain amounts per kilogram," he said. "But the Australian and New Zealand food standard codes do not allow E218.

"Just to be sure we had ourselves tested and the results have come back as we can assure them there is no E218 in our batches."

But while Oriental Merchants refused to comment on independent importers of the product selling tainted stock for a lower price, it is understood to be a problem the company has battled since it started selling Mi Goreng.
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
on a serious note i only just got around to listening to that riff raff you gave me on here. i tried listening to the album through at work i realised that his music is entertaining for 1 or 2 songs on youtube but i couldnt get past about 5 songs before having to listen to something else. the mixing on that album is pretty bad as well. songs are all different volume and shit.