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Mar 11, 2011
Just got back from lunch break. Moar El Autelense taco truck food was consumed. I parked on the side street out front of Hotsy Totsy this time so I wouldn't have to fuck w/ them cats bogartin parking spaces for the apartment complex.

I've had better salsa verde before but shit was on point nonetheless


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
From ages 4 to 6 I used to really like to think I was a dog. And of course the best way for a human to show that they are a dog is to not wear a shirt, so I went around shirtless a lot at home and ran around on all fours and weared out the knees in my pants.

It was Thanksgiving and my mom had prepared a nice meal and my grandma and grandpa were over for the ocassion. The big meal was ready and everybody gathered around the table. Not me. Instead of eating the thanksgiving meal like a regular person I convinced my mom to put the plate on the floor so I could be like a doggy and bark. It probably took a lot of whining. When I saw that my human mom plopped a serving of cranberries on the plate I barked at her until she put that shit back. There was a lot of gravy and I ate on the floor and everbody involved was laughing but they were also probably secretly embarrassed. There are photos of this.


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
when i was about 7 i was fucking awesome at soccer. i would just inbound the ball to myself and score like 10 goals a game. however, once i had a breakaway and was just fucking sprinting down the field and as i went to take a wide open shot i kicked the ground and the ball just rolled away from me. i started crying out of embarrassment so i pretended i sprained my ankle and my coaches or some parents carried me off the field and i drank capri sun on the sidelines like a bitch for the rest of the game
kah has since never played soccer again


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
earlier today i remembered that i used to use 'hither' and 'thither' (correctly) on a daily basis, once met my mom's friend with the greeting "grim news!" (i don't remember what the news was), and once literally yelled at a substitute teacher because she misspelled 'archaeology'
this explains the lack of pussu


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
I became very, very obsessed with Titanic at age 7 when the movie was released. Had so many fiction and nonfiction books, I built models, I played the PC game, had the soundtracks, I visited museums, I could name 50+ members on the passenger list. I drew the sinking ship several times, even once mailing it into the local newspaper drawing contest (they never printed it). When my brothers would go surfing, I'd sometimes stay on the shore and build the Titanic on my board, sandcastles for smokestacks, seaweed for rope.

I'm 99% sure this all arose because I had a gay crush on Leo. At that age, I couldn't really identify it (or my orientation) as such, but I definitely knew thinking about him made me happy.

My brother liked the movie for other reasons, I think. We sold the humongous VHS tape at a garage sale, and the buyer wanted to test it on a TV to make sure it worked. The tape was rewound exactly to Kate Winslet's nude couch scene. Oops!