Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
I was at my gf's apartment yesterday when her mom came by to drop her sister off.

I was cleaning up her kitchen and helping her out with things when they came in, and when her mom entered the kitchen I had the broom against the fridge. She stood there and said "I came in here to get a Diet Dr. Pepper." and waited for me to move the broom so she could get her soda. She then asked why I was cleaning the kitchen and told me "You shouldn't come over to help her clean up her apartment." I responded "Well, I like to help her in every way I can when I'm around." and smiled.

Then she walked in the living room and started chewing out my gf because she thought I had stayed there over night. I did, and her parents pay for that apt, but she told her mom I had stopped by for the day. Either way, it doesn't really matter if I were there overnight or just for the day because she treated me like a punk and always has.

Since we've been dating almost a year, there's been a handful of times where she hasn't been a fucking asshole to me. She treats me like I'm out to ruin her daughter's career and schooling, when I'm doing the opposite. My girl won't even use her cell phone around her mom because her fam doesn't do cells and get mad every time she uses the phone to talk to me.

I'll keep up appearances just to make sure my girl is happy, but any more of this bullshit and I'm having it out with the broad.