Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Dec 7, 2005
i cant imagine losing any front teeth. id be like the japanese during flu season always with one of those flu masks on in public until that shit was fixed lol. id pay whatever they wanted

ordered some shrimp fried rice from the teriyaki spot
I beat the Fuck out of the dude lol. Ended up putting his face Into the thick glass door and broke it with his face lol. I got a extraction the next morning and a temp fake one. It took like 3 or 4 appointments of them doing stuff with them before i got my final set put in. Everytime they did more work they gave me a temp piece so I wouldn't be toothless. The missing tooth made a decent blunt holder tho lol


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
☑ Aliens
☑ Demons
☑ Nazis
☑ Interdimensional Creatures
☑ Shamans
☑ Robot Army
☑ Globalists
☑ Electroshock
☑ Turning peoples heart off.
☑ Dominance
☑ Merlin
☑ Archetypal Orbs
☑ Psychic Focus
☑ Future Telling
☑ Planetary Control
☑ Pharma Companies
☑ Light Sockets
☑ Jacking Into The Evil
☑ Yoda and Darth Vader
☑ 9/10 Research Projects in San Francisco
☑ Virtual Reality Gloves
☑ Holodeck from Star Trek
☑ Empathy Loads
☑ Mars
☑ Flat Earth
☑ Jet Propulsion Laboratory
☑ Paper Thin TV Screens in the 1960s
☑ Aliens have taken over Samsung
☑ The Pentagon
☑ Patent for the Sensotron
☑ The Endgame
☑ The University of Washington and Bill Gates
☑ Pumping Oxygen Into Your Blood
☑ Meeting with Aliens by shutting off your heart.
☑ Ayuasca
☑ Psychic People
☑ human-pig hybrid chimera
☑ biological androids
☑ Avatar
☑ Remote Viewing
☑ Bow Hunting Video Games
☑ Vast planes that are enclosed
☑ Third Dimensional Resource Expansion
☑ 1950s Diagram
☑ NSA Tracking Alex His Whole Life
☑ Founder of Delta Force
☑ AI Computers
☑ Sam Harris
☑ Trolling Facebook Pages
☑ Russian Trollbots
☑ The Russians are all doing it.
☑ Muslim Events
☑ Black Lives Matter next to Blue Lives Matter
☑ Jim Morrison
☑ I gotta pee
☑ I gotta pee too
☑ Cleveland Browns
☑ 26,000,000 subscribers
☑ Itunes
☑ Youtube
☑ Facebook
☑ Jimmy Saville having sex with dead kids
☑ Cutting out pituitaries
☑ The Adrenochrome thing is real.
☑ 3 minute video you gotta see.
☑ The parents agree to give their kids blood to the rich.
☑ 5g signals being used for mind control.
☑ You're guilty of what your neighbor does.
☑ All bets are off.
☑ Youtube sucks a huge bag of dicks.
☑ Diversified Media Worldwide
☑ Boom, you're all gone.
☑ 1 Giant Corporation Decides
☑ Joe Rogan has entered the fight.
☑ Young Blood into Old Bodies
☑ Joe is confirmed not to be a psychotic demon.
☑ Slam that whiskey.
☑ Bravo Turning Loose.
☑ Getting steaks!
☑ Holotropic Breathing
☑ Parasites, Bacteria, Worms
☑ Zombie Ants
☑ Joe Has Had Contact With Aliens
☑ Eric Mueller
☑ The Priests Say We Have To Throw Babies in Fires and Cut Their Hearts Out
☑ Mushroom Enema
☑ The Temple at Teotihuacan
☑ Interdimensional Gate
☑ The gods want blood.
☑ The Gate is Open
☑ 10,000 - 80,400 sacrifices
☑ Indiscriminate Grunting
☑ The Bones
☑ The Bones are Everywhere
☑ Cannibalism after a Ball Game
☑ Quisquattopatatle
☑ Drawings of a 200 year old Spanish Textbook With A Jumbo Jet
☑ Smoked Penis Blood
☑ Jaguar Leather with Nails On It Made of Glass Worn Over Genitals
☑ Sacred Leaves
☑ African Ladies with plates in lips.
☑ 3 Burning Wheels Landed in Ezekiel floating off the ground
☑ Aliens Sending Robots
☑ Ancient Stories about Contact with the Skies
☑ Digital Systems Manifesting
☑ James Cameron is Dialed In
☑ Brass Tacks
☑ We are made in the image of God
☑ We are the Aliens
☑ We're 97% Chimpanzee but closer to pigs or rats
☑ Animals are a back story for human existence
☑ The Spartans
☑ Liberals, like everything, they're little assholes.
☑ The Planet is a testing ground.
☑ We are God
☑ We are not God
☑ Tricking Tadpoles to turn into Godzilla.
☑ The Biggest War is the Consciousness Of the Universe And Is a Comet Swimming in a Giant System of Survival of the Fittest
☑ At the end of the tail is evil
☑ It's Interdimensional Eddie
☑ If you fart and didn't have a nose, no one would know.
☑ Omnipresence
☑ Alex Has Dreams that Come True
☑ I'm there and the woman and the pickles break.
☑ Purple and green striped shirt attacks Alex in a dream then it happens in real life.
☑ Piledrivers
☑ Ten Generation Chickens
☑ The Devil Is Sexy
☑ The Devil is Gay
☑ Getting it up in front of the devil.
☑ You don't know till the devil is kissing you.
☑ Literally, whatever it is, is like a joke.
☑ 360 Joe You're right, but a worm didn't crawl out of the ass of a grasshopper
☑ Thousands of generations of failures.
☑ If A Pedophile Wants to Date My 5 Year Old, It's ok
☑ The left uses bullshit excuses to silence people.
☑ Censorship sucks.
☑ Eddie doesn't know shit by admission.
☑ AOC says don't have kids.
☑ Delta Force Major
☑ Stage 5 Russian Influence, Get People to Support Late Term Abortions
☑ Trans women taking hormones to compete against women.
☑ I like the Japanese model.
☑ Get that vagina built.
☑ 6ft 4in guys with big shoulders.
☑ NFL for women but it's all guys and they say they're women.
☑ Dickgirl asks for cervix exam, gets the police called on her.
☑ What is the endgame.
☑ You die, you get uploaded to a machine.
☑ In the spectrum of 1-100 we're in the 95th percentile of being woke.
☑ Black people support Alex Jones
☑ Shooting a woman running away, there's gotta be a better way.
☑ They had a military drill in DC where most of the roads were shut down.
☑ Half are suicides.
☑ Alex loves people of all color.
☑ Outpouring, and letters, and flowers.
☑ Half of black people are aborted (this is actually true)
☑ Marget Sanger was a racist that targeted black people.
☑ Black Israelites
☑ Black people are god, white people are the devil.
☑ Covington Catholic Kids
☑ Black Nazis
☑ If you're such big men, kill me now.
☑ Everyone gets a punch in the ribs.
☑ Don't hit anyone, lets be friends.
☑ Lets agree to free speech.
☐ Nasa Shirt


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
"please don't smoke tonight or drink any alcohol! thats the worst thing you can do"

Starts vaping as I'm leaving the parking lot
Cracks open a beer as soon as I get home
Had a slight buzz while I was at the dentist

So another dentist at my dental office had a different opinion and said he wanted to try and save the tooth and not do the implant. The roots in that tooth are the best roots in my entire mouth... its three huge roots like a trident. He wanted to drill into each root and put a fiber post in each one to anchor the abutment in, like how rebar strengthens concrete or whatever. He sounded pretty excited about it and said it was pretty much 100% chance of success so I was like "ok". So that happened... now I have just an abutment there and no temporary crown because he didn't want to stress the tooth any more than it had already been stressed. I have to not chew on that side for two weeks while this crown gets made. Instead of $3,700 for the implant it'll end up being $1020
Props: StillHustlin


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
eddie yelling at alex jones about flat earth 😂🤣 alex offering to pay to bring him to the ice wall and edge of the world. alex nearly having a stroke when eddie told him the late term abortion stuff was fake news

this is the greatest JRE