Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
I need to de-AIDS this laptop soon but I always get nervous I'll fuck it up more reformatting it even though I never do. I've never had to on this one but whenever I have had to on other computers I'm just like "fuck, I'm going to make this worse I know it" then a couple hours when I'm done and everything is fine again I'm like "I should have done that earlier." lol
mines running like a scrap ass chap lately and i wanna reformat it but that shit is like a whole afternoon job. and what the fuck am i suppose to do to relieve my boredom if my computer is not available lol


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
mines running like a scrap ass chap lately and i wanna reformat it but that shit is like a whole afternoon job. and what the fuck am i suppose to do to relieve my boredom if my computer is not available lol
lol usually it only takes a couple hours for me, plus I have my iPad for backup, but still it's a pain in the ass.


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
That reminds me of back in the day when we'd go to Boom City (place on a Indian Rez out here with over 100 stands with tons of different fireworks for cheap) and when you'd try to get 1/4, 1/2 sticks, and crazy shit like that those fools would be like..

"You a cop?"
"Nah, I'm not."
"So you aren't a cop?"
"No man, I'm not a cop.. I'm only 15."
"So you don't work for the police or nothing, not a cop?"
"Fuck, no I'm not a cop man."
"ohhh haaaaa I know man, I just have to ask three times because if you were you'd have to admit it, my brother read somewhere it's the law."
"Just give me my fucking fireworks."

I swear that was like a fucking urban legend on that rez or something lol. The summer after 9/11 they got raided by the ATF/CIA though and it became a lot harder to get that stuff. Fucking terrorists always ruining shit.