Here it is, I need to get responses from at least 5 males and 5 females, and then analyse the data for my psychology homework. Please take the time if you can, I appreciate it. Thanks again yall
1. What is your gender?
Male/Female/Attack Helicopter/Prefer Not To Say
Male (I also find this question extremely offensive)
2. Do you own, or share ownership of, a car? If no, go to Q7.
3. What make is your car?
4. Do you know the engine size of your car?
5. What car music system do you find most practical?
Bluetooth/Radio/CD/Cassette/8-track/Other (please specify)
6. On a scale of one to ten, how satisfied do you feel with your car?
7. What is your favourite car make?
8. Colour is important when buying a car.
Strongly agree/Agree/Disagree/Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
9. Purely decorative car accessories
Tacky 1-2-3-4-5 Tasteful (please select a number)
Worthwhile 1-2-3-4-5 Waste of money (please select a number)
Question not clear
10. I judge people by the car they own.
Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
11. Drinking and driving
Justifiable 1-2-3-4-5 Never justifiable (please select a number)
Dangerous 1-2-3-4-5 Safe (please select a number)
Should be legal 1-2-3-4-5 Should be illegal (please select a number)
Never justifiable 5
Dangerous 1
Is Illegal 5
12. In what ways do you feel that cars have advanced society?
I feel the movie Cars is just entertainment for children and could not really be looked at as having advanced society in any meaningful way; also Larry the Cable Guy is a horrible actor.