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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
My view, before I put the suit on, was that eating so much that you become too big to move constitutes a form of self-harm. Wearing the suit hasn’t changed that view, it has strengthened it.
I feel more frustrated than ever about the problem of obesity. I am more convinced that becoming this obese must involve a serious mental and emotional illness that needs urgent psychiatric and medical intervention.
Eating so much that you become barely able to move is surely as damaging a compulsion as abusing drugs.
As such it requires drastic action — it cannot be the NHS’s job to help people remain this way by empathising and skirting around the issue.
It is maddening that the staff at this hospital apparently do not have the training, resources and referral options to get these patients the help they need to tackle the underlying issues driving their eating disorders.
This is awesome