Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
lol but anyways yes Antony that's why I said zone because it was an old term no one really uses anymore. I was I guess you could say "bringing it back" or whatever because well I don't know I felt like it? Just thought I'd point out you had no idea what you were talking about when you tried to correct me twice like a jackass. Anywho, best wishes!


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Haven't been here for quite a while but don't know where else to go right now. Just found out my only friend that I still have has a brain tumor. Not sure if it's gonna kill him. Won't know until the 26th of this month but man oh man what a fucked day. I was like 105 days sober, but I couldn't stay sober with that news. Got hella drunk and ended up smokin some hard. Shit sucks, but fuckity fuck fuck this is a sad night. Nuttkase @Nuttkase it's Matt from back in the day.

PS - I went and saw Zootopia today with my girl. I looked for you but didn't see you. It's funny, I heard dudes talking on walkie talkies and heard you talking to them, lol. Hope all is well homie, and all you other brehs. I've gone ghost the past year or so for the most part for a reason some of you know about.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend bro. That's awful. I'll send some positive vibes out there to the universe for him. And man slip ups happen, that's life. Just get back on track I'm sure your buddy would want that to.

If you need anything man PM me or call the spot I'm at the same number for a few more days. I'm waiting on my iPhone to get here then I'm finally cutting the landline. I'll message you my new number on here or facebook when I do if you wanna do some sober chilling one of these days.

How was Zootopia? I wanna see it. And next time just ask for me man it would have been cool to see you its been a minute.
Nov 18, 2010
Fuck im pissed i didnt bet yesterday coulda made some good money.

My friend texting me like thanks for telling me to bet on diaz bro i just made $500 meanwhile i couldnt even do shit cuz of my bitch ass bank -_-


( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
Fuck im pissed i didnt bet yesterday coulda made some good money.

My friend texting me like thanks for telling me to bet on diaz bro i just made $500 meanwhile i couldnt even do shit cuz of my bitch ass bank -_-
I woke up pissed too lol. I've never done online betting so I don't know how it works. Oh well
Mar 14, 2006
east bay
I wasn't trying to correct you, just can't bring that one back big dog I mean you have to admit..

Just saying zip flows better, plus if you say it in person to someone they won't think you're a douche bag Nuttkase @Nuttkase