Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France

the design makes them look really long like some clown shoes, and the little dents and curves in them look like they got the idea from a bicycle helmet or something. maybe if i wore a pair id change my mind, but theyd have to be like the most comfortable shoes ever, more comfortable than jordan 8's
they're actually pretty comfortable, i played ball in mine...and they were very snug and there's a lot of cushioning in the sole. but i'm probably never gonna play hoops in them again unless i get another pair, recently i've been using my air jordan 7s to play ball.



Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
i dont have anything against gays but chick-fil-a is too hyphy to give up for someone else's cause

sorry M @Miglgop


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I just got this memo from one of my field supervisors

The client received a report from the property's IT department today that revealed 2200 visits to inappropriate adult content websites within the past month. No specifics were given regarding time of day and which shifts it was occurring, and the client did not want to disclose that out of respect for the S/O's that work on site.
(insert a bunch of rules they quote from inside general orders handbook)

Misconduct is one classification that leads to termination, and continued abuse of the defined expectations will certainly result in termination. Please make the appropriate adjustments needed to ensure this does not happen again.

WELP, there it is

RIP Butcher 206, peace out brehs, lol


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
our parents divorced when my brothers and i were very young. just after preschool but before elementary. mom got primary custody, but we stayed with dad for every summer up until we were 18 or so. dad, being a bit of a recluse, and being rather well funded, lived in a different house every time we'd visit him.

this one summer, i think in grade 4 or so, before we had internet, super nintendo was still new, we lived in this two-level home with this other woman who at the time i assumed dad was friends with, and her daughter about our age. the place had a pool. one night we all headed down to our room to play nintendo after spending all day in the pool. we didn't have a bathroom down there, and we were young so we just took our clothes off to change into our jams in the communal room. i guess the woman's daughter thought this was fine so she started to do the same, to which one of my one brother responded, 'you can't take your clothes off with us, you're a girl.' this little chick, who i'm sure has not once been discriminated against in her entire 8 years of life, welled right up and became upset. she ran out of the room weeping and we figured that was the end of it. we all buckled down to play some megaman.

10 minutes later the woman whose living with us comes down, completely stark naked, and angry. says demands us turn around and look at her. it's not right for us, as young men, to treat women that way, and we should all be treated as equals, she explains. i'm sure she thought her speech captivated us 10-year-olds, as none of us said a word, but none of us could take our eyes off her giant, black bush and middle-aged tits. none of us had seen a naked woman before then and to this day that scene has been burned into my mind. all naked and stern, back-lit by the hallway sconce, waiting for a heart-felt response that will never come. the megaman title theme played in the background.


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
A year or so after my dad remarried I was visiting my (now ex) stepmom's parents for the first or second time ever. We were supposed to spend a few days with them and really get to know them as if they were blood relatives. The stepgrandmother was about ten or fifteen years younger than the stepgrandfather, who had served in WW2 as a fighter pilot and had japanese katanas he had looted from men he killed.

He wasn't really a cotton hill, he was just sort of a serious guy sometimes about flying and service, but he liked fart jokes so we got along okay on those few days. He was pretty much idolized by the family and had a bunch of plane photos on the walls and what looked like military distinctions.

One day all the girls in the family go to the mall and market and we were left alone with the stepgrandfather and my dad, but my dad took the opportunity away from his horrible wife to drink and take a nap. So my brother and I are switching off playing gameboy in the very fancy living room in uncomfortable rocking chairs while the old guy reads a newspaper in the one comfortable chair in the house.

After an hour of relieving silence (he didn't want or need to make small talk/getting to know you talk like the rest of the family) he starts making an odd guttural noise, once every five seconds or so. I thought it was just an old guy thing but I see his eyes are watering really bad and next thing we know he's on the ground and shouting and slapping his hand on the wood floor. He looks up to my brother and I and intently stares at us while making that guttural noise, spitting every bit of water in his mouth, and starts saying, "I never flew in the war. I never did. I only maintenance'd them planes. God I was too stupid. I was so stupid. I was so stupid. He keeps staring at us and repeating he was so stupid and we finally get the idea to go get our dad and us being cowards we both went and neither of us stayed with him.

Dad comes down sufficiently freaked out and the stepgrandfather is sitting up, albeit on the floor, and not making the noise anymore. He said he fell down and that it was good we both went to get help. He played it off like he just sort of fell and that was all.

We told our dad about what he said and eventually my dad asked his wife/her mom about him never flying and they both swore up and down they didn't know what he was talking about and it was never brought up again. They worried over his falling but they thought it was more a problem with his hip (which was bad) rather than any mental problems.

His eyes were really scared when he was telling us these things and he was speaking so much like a child that I can't really forget it. It was one of those first contacts with the world that has adults not being in power and it made me distrust old men for a long time, doubting my maternal grandfather had ever been to war either. It fueled some weird notion that in the world maybe a hundred guys ever had been in wars and there was no way that anyone in my family had. this probably lasted until I was eight or nine.