Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
@ you ever have these?

if not you should get some before the end of the month. Local cookie company, all their cookies rule, but the seasonal ballpark ones are hella good.
I used to eat their huge single cookies back when i worked at Walgreens the snickerdoodle and the peanut butter, we kept them at the check-out as impulse buys would sell out like 20 a day delivered fresh each day


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I don't want to drag some negative bullshit into freedom town but timebomb just posted up pics of reo's kid as a meme and then immediately deleted that shit when I questioned him and now he's completely denying ever doing it.

I just want to know what some of the brehs think of that, I know quite a few of you got kids yourself.

Kids always stay out of the equation IMO.
My friend William 206 had his daughter photoshopped on here he said he didn't care and it was whatever but that's pretty much the main reason he stopped posting i think lol


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
He's used to that contact without pads, he can take any hit a padded up sissy nfl player can dish out lel
You do realize pads = harder way more violent hits right? Which is why the NFL has bad concussion and brain damage problems. The same with boxing, the big gloves cause more force and damage to the brain; its a myth that bare knuckle boxing is more hardcore than traditional boxing the physics don't add up.
Well his self imposed diet makes eating the shit impossible now
I can eat whatever i want whenever, i just choose to eat less of it and less often; its about portion control and spacing out cravings and exercising a little willpower not about complete restriction or denial. I choose to not eat certain things i don't avoid them cause i "cant" but because i dont want them.
Motherfuckers on here were making fun of me for losing a camera in the field after being stung by wasps. I had 15 stings to my face and more on my arms and shit that didn't bother me as much. That shit sucks man. I got stung by another bee today and I don't even know why he did that. I just finished pissing in the woods and picked up my back pack when outta no where I felt a sting on my finger and saw the stupid littler stinger sticking out my finger. I didn't tell nobody cuz my work wants to make a big deal about bee/wasp stings ever since some dude got a delayed allergic reaction and I didn't wanna report it and deal with all the paperwork.

TLDR: Fuck bees.
I'm sorry that happened to you my closest, nearest and dearest long time best friend forever no homo
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