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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
In that case thank you jugg, keep on keepin on
Disclaimer: No cesolito applies to every statement in this post.

Dude I'm gonna drop the online act for now and talk seriously. I'm kinda bitter towards you and InfamousICON @InfamousICON cuz I'm a little jealous of you getting to go to university, especially seeing the shit my bro been getting up to there. Like I said to that faggot ass Incisions faggot (who I'm pretty sure is a sociopath), you live in nice countries and have the chance to get an education along with many unforgettable experiences. Take a look at Canada, Australia, and the US then take a look at the UK... we have complete open door immigration from anywhere in the world with literally no control on restriction on numbers, while moving to one of the other countries is next to impossible. Obviously I don't got shit as rough as some other people on here, but the image you seem to have of England being all tea and crumpets is bullshit. I'm not proud to be british, hell I'm not proud of who I am myself. Dumbass annoying motherfucker never been able to have friends...just don't be so quick to judge somebody else when you never met them.