Fuck i want to go back and edit and delete all my posts cause i know within the day dagrimjuggalo is going to try to talk about caffeine or bring up camping or basically leech any little tidbit to try to connect, and even though hes on ignore ill still click "show this post" and get triggered by the creepy chameleon like behavior
Anyone notice that? Like i posted that "its 420 man" vid now he's posting up videos from that guys YouTube channel. Or when id force Frozen related cancer hed link me frozen related stuff and photoshops, or how mac jesus said "you alright man? Ive noticed youve been acting differently" then dagrimjuggalo said the same thing yesterday. Ive noticed dozens of similar instances of this behavior. He sees stuff and remembers shit then tries to connect with you using it. Its fuckin seriously messing with me, making me think im slightly delusional or something lol
Hes ruining my life