Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I call them street people. Not bums lol
There is a difference between a bum and a street person, to me at least. Street people are the ones that at least seem to be semi aware of their surroundings and what is going on and bums are the ones that mumble to you as they pass out against a building and look like they've had the same clothes on for 5 years.

Like most the junkies in at least the area where I work downtown are street people, most of the bums tend to be old hopeless drunks.

But there are also junkie bums and drunk street people too.

There are levels to this shit.
Jan 29, 2005
Speaking of Macs every year I always talk about buying a Macbook Pro for school and always end up backing out. Hard to justify that big of an investment for half of the computing power at double or even triple the price. Just sucks that a lot of different industry standard software only runs on Macs. Maybe I'll finally cop one with that free FAFSA money.
Sep 25, 2014
You must love the internet so much, it gives fags like you a voice when they shouldn't have a voice at all. You're such a lame you can't even make any friends in real life, so you keep trying here and still fail miserably. People like you and Incisions are just better off killing themselves, you guys already failed at life

dont compare me to this british faggot loser