You must love the internet so much, it gives fags like you a voice when they shouldn't have a voice at all. You're such a lame you can't even make any friends in real life, so you keep trying here and still fail miserably. People like you and Incisions are just better off killing themselves, you guys already failed at life
just ignore dude and keep it moving. live and let live. its obvious dude is either trolling as white bob or has some sort of social awkwardness disorder. leave him be.
Looked up randomly at the box office security camera right now which shows a clear view outside and saw some bum bite it super fucking hard in the middle of the street and he's still down for the count lol
Looked up randomly at the box office security camera right now which shows a clear view outside and saw some bum bite it super fucking hard in the middle of the street and he's still down for the count lol