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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Actually I don't have time for arguing with 17yr olds regardless so never mind. I'm about to go out and enjoy this nice weather everyone have a great one.
I'm not looking for an argument, I just want to hear your thoughts on the topic. I personally believe that gay couples are different to straight couples in many ways you can't deny, and therefore the system of dealing with them should be slightly different to the system of dealing with straight couples. I don't hate gays or think they should be discriminated against in any way, but in my mind a marriage is a legal bond between a man and a woman. Maybe I'm just old fashioned on that, I don't know. What I do know is that a gay partnership can be legally recognized as equal to a straight partnership, without using the word "marriage." tbh it's not really that much of a big deal to me as it's already legal here, but I don't understand why it was such a big deal to the gay community when they already literally had all of the legal benefits of marriage. I don't understand why they can't just be "partners" under a "civil partnership" rather than "husbands/wives" under "marriage," when by definition their relationships are hugely different to straight ones.

I also believe they should legally be allowed to have families by adoption as there is already a large number of children in foster homes, so that way you're killing two birds with one stone. However, I personally don't support artificial ways of gay couples creating life, because there is already a huge number of naturally conceived children in foster homes that need families. In my head I am slightly more in favor of straight couples artificially having children as it usually involves the DNA of both of the parents and no other parents, whereas this procedure with a gay couple can only biologically use the genes of one parent and requires an external parent. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not completely in favor of this altogether with the high number of children in foster care (as I mentioned for like the 18th time lol).

Man I'm so fucking bad with words. I shouldn't have said "gay marriage bullshit" because that makes me sound homophobic, and I can assure you I'm not. Anyway, they can have their lil pride rallies, I don't give a fuck because I'm not gay so I won't be going to them regardless.

Apologies for writing rambly-ass paragraphsabout my views on gay issues, whether you bothered to read it or not. Either way, enjoy the good weather breh, I wish we had it over here lol.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
I dont like gay marriage.... but i dont oppose it, just keep that shit to yourself...
My messages came off wrong, I don't actively oppose it. I just don't support it. That's why I said:

but at the same time I'm not really on board with this whole gay marriage bullshit...
Besides, aren't you the one who started preaching about how you have no respect for anyone who kills themselves on a RIP thread?
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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Wait, if gay couples couldn't previously have a legal partnership in the USA before gay marriage, then I will agree that this was good for the gays and I got no problem with it.

I don't know everything about American law, yall forget I live in my own country with my own laws to remember. I apologize if my post sounds offensive out of context.

I thought gay marriage was legal in most of the USA anyway, so I didn't think it was such a big deal.
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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
No they shouldn't and you just proved yourself to be a bigger idiot than I had thought. It would probably be in your best interest to just shut the fuck up before I dissect your whole post and make you look like an even bigger one.
Ill respect you if you commit suicide, juggalo...
Holy shit juggalo, shut the fuck up already.
fo real dude is most likely worse in real life and explains why he has no friends