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English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
I never seen anyone get stabbed in canada but I read about it in the news paper once
lol random story time. One time when I was in secondary school back in like year 7 or 8 some dude went into the school with a knife cuz one of the teachers got him expelled and as a result he couldn't get a job. Anywho, he tracked down that teacher's class and held her hostage at knife point until police arrived and tacakled him down. They flipped the fire alarm and we all left the school, but all the stories about what happened in the classroom vary. Some say he stabbed her, some say he didnt. Either way, she took a break from teaching for a few months and when she returned she was less of a bitch.

I guess thats one advantage of living in England. If this was in america the dude would of most likely shot up the school and I may not even be here today. That would be pretty sad lol.


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
I really hope that one pastor in Texas is setting himself on fire right now but I highly doubt it because his type tend to be spineless cowards that are all talk and no action.
If this is the one you're talking about.

"We are not going to bow. We are not going to bend, and if necessary we will burn," Scarborough said during the podcast, though he did not explicitly state that he would self-immolate in protest of gay marriage, the Independent UK reported.
I can't stand those far right idiots, but at the same time I'm not really on board with this whole gay marriage bullshit...


English Gentleman
Dec 23, 2014
Well you seem to be a fucking idiot a lot of the time so that's not surprising.
In my opinion gay relationships are different to straight relationships in many obvious ways, and they should therefore be treated differently. I dont know about the USA, but in britain they could get a civil partnership before gay marriage was legal, and that had all of the legal benefits of marriage. I personally prefer that setup as it still legally bonds a couple without this whole "husband-husband" marriage bullshit.