Goddamn man modding fallout new vegas is so fucking ridiculous. I played fine forlike 20 hours then it got laggy ass fuck. Found like 15 conflicts with hundreds of minor errors. Trying to fix this annoying game but things just end up worse. Apparently there was a confluct with the Asian race and there's no asians
Shits a huge hassle can't wait to grab skyrim instead then again I know that'll probably be worse lol
breh, ...you cant just leave things as-is can you?
you take everything apart from your games, your vape to your computers n shit lol
then they dont work the way they were intended after, & break & either gotta be rebuilt or tossed aside.
it's like you speed up the life of your purchases, mod the fuck out of whatever they are, then gotta get a replacement or some other toy after
i swear there is some sort of psychology name for what you do
lol, no judgement, just my observance breh breh