Reminds me, like 2 weeks ago I got into it with some guy on the bus because he was talking shit to a developmentally disabled couple like it was funny. We exchanged words and it boiled down to me telling him to get off the bus because he had an ass-kicking coming his way. Once we hit the point no return where I was backing down all he kept saying was something to the affect of:
"I aint never ducked a fade, in my life I aint never ducked a fade."
Which seems to be the tagline of a person that is currently ducking a fade. Fuckin people.
Hello: Morning. Yesterday there was an ad for Castle Superstore before the movie. It sells Pornography. Pornography revolves heavily around Human Trafficking (slavery). Please consider never advertising Pornography at any of your films in the Regal Chain. Thank you for your time. Please do not respond in writing to this.