Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall

First order of business, post on the sicc lol

Now I'm going to medicate, eat this last popeyes spicy chicken breast with some french fries while watching game of thrones on hbo go hell yeah
Is that the TV which the box it came from you almost ended up living in? Nice.


Oct 25, 2011
damn, so last night I am doing laundry & washed a pair of pants I had in my closet I aint worn in a few weeks.

took them out of the dryer, to find $2000 in cash. exact amount.

i was fucking baffled, where the fuck did all this money come from??

yaaaaa... well, it was my rent, I pulled it out of my bank & never deposited it in my landlords account. I'm never late on my bills, I dunno wtf i was thinking.

luckily my landlord is in china for the new year & didnt hit me up about it, at all, & actually had he hit me up I would have went into a frenzy trying to find that money

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
But back to the suicide. once i found out he offed himself, it wasnt a RIP thread anymore and was open for discussion Pierre.
Like I said none of us know what he was going through or if he even had peoples besides rossi. And even if he had family, he might have been in a position where he thought they would be better without him, accurate or not. If dude felt life was so painful he didn't want to live it, I can understand him ending it. I got nothing but sympathy for someone hurting so much they off themselves..

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
I dont get the you dont know what he was going thru excuse when it comes to suicide. I lost a wife, job, and house all at the same time, think i wasnt depressed as fuck? But i dusted myself off and got back. Especially if you have kids, you dont live for yourself anymore. So miss me with bullshit ass excuse...
I don't mean going through as in the situation. I'm sure there are lots of people in worse situations, I mean going through emotionally. You obviously can handle some emotional turmoil, but things affect different people differently. If you want to think everyone that doesnt have your emotional tenor is a weenie, thats your choice, but I tend to think you cant know how someone else feels, even if youve been through the same things.