Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
Mixerr @Mixerr stop posting videos of nothing but text in your binder. if you are going to post text type it out and post it on the blog. if you are going to make a video present it like a proper journalist. i dont turn on the news and see them holding a fucking binder up to the camera wtf


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Just rebuilt my ecig tank, its hitting strong as fuck. Got nic sick off just 5 pulls, 6mg juice. Thatd be like getting sick off of 1 drag of a cigarette lol.

Just goes to show how bad cigarettes are. All those maoi's decrease how much the nicotine satisfies meanwhile the up to 599 additives turn it from basically tea to free base cocaine lol. So your system is flooded with an obscene amount of nicotine yet you still have to smoke every 30 minutes.

With rj reynolds and lorillard merging from losing out on billions in just the last year, its clear to see ecigs aren't just a hipster thing for weirdos. Theyre a billion dollar a year industry now and hopefully, they're here to stay. Big tobacco is reeling and have been pushing poison in third world countries and unregulated countries where youth smoking is pervasive; grasping desperately at straws

Quit smoking brehs
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