fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
a good thing to know is the farther south you go the harder the monsters get, and if they have a Skull next to their name / health bar it means your weapon probably wont even break their armor and you basically have no chance of killing them / way underleveled.

and it seems like assaultrons and laser turrets are super fucking powerful in this game this time around, those energy weapons destroy you before you can even react fast enough to heal lol. so yeah might need to hold off on that for awhile


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
a good thing to know is the farther south you go the harder the monsters get, and if they have a Skull next to their name / health bar it means your weapon probably wont even break their armor and you basically have no chance of killing them / way underleveled.

and it seems like assaultrons and laser turrets are super fucking powerful in this game this time around, those energy weapons destroy you before you can even react fast enough to heal lol. so yeah might need to hold off on that for awhile
Yea dog I spent fucking forever to get down there. I've killed shit with the skulls before, I actually ran into a mutant camp on the way there that had one with the skull. Ima have to gear up in power armor. Maybe go get the other one I found and put cait in it. 2 power armor's might do it
May 13, 2002
a good thing to know is the farther south you go the harder the monsters get, and if they have a Skull next to their name / health bar it means your weapon probably wont even break their armor and you basically have no chance of killing them / way underleveled.

and it seems like assaultrons and laser turrets are super fucking powerful in this game this time around, those energy weapons destroy you before you can even react fast enough to heal lol. so yeah might need to hold off on that for awhile
assaultrons will rape your dead corpse. They don't play. I love how everything is beefed up in this game (besides Raiders they remain pussies). They did a great job remodeling/revamping everything. The only creature that doesn't seem as badass is the yao guai, they seemed more beastly and scary in the past games where here it's just a mutated bear that aren't too tough to take down. Even the Ghouls, while generally still pretty easy they are a bit freaky early on, the way they dart around at you, staying low making it hard to hit them in free aim and even jumping at you. Overall the action based gameplay aspect is leaps and bounds better than the past games. But as far as an RPG goes it's not nearly as deep, obviously dialogue is a step down as far as choices and consequences go. Supposedly there is going to be a lot of DLC which was some of the best stuff on the past games so hopefully that remains true.
May 13, 2002
Yea dog I spent fucking forever to get down there. I've killed shit with the skulls before, I actually ran into a mutant camp on the way there that had one with the skull. Ima have to gear up in power armor. Maybe go get the other one I found and put cait in it. 2 power armor's might do it
Try to bone cait before you take her there, she's generally more fun before u finish it.

Still tho, Curie. Can never turn down her voice/accent lol.
May 13, 2002
fuck the settlements shits a biatch to protect so many of em
Like troythemac said keep the defense up (make it higher than the sum of food + water).

Another thing is you know the settlement radio recruitment towers you build at settlements? Turn them off. For one, you don't have to have full capacity at every single settlement, just have you main one full and like three people at the rest of the settlements. Two, those towers attract raiders because they are broadcasting the location. So why leave it on if a) the capacity is already full or b) you don't want anymore settlers?

On my second game I just have sanctuary hills full, 20 people, and any other settlement I discover/rescue or whatever, I simply build a radio tower, it attracts one or two people then I turn it off.

This is only my theory by the way. It seems to be working on my second game and I've been keeping my new settlements with low population (3-4 people). I googled real quick and some people have the same belief as me, others have noted that even if you turn off the broadcast tower, you can still pick up the broadcast on ur pip-boy, but that isn't to say it's not working (probably just a glitch that it still picks it up).
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May 13, 2002
I have no clue where the fuck I sent my companions every time I'm lookin for em I can't find em except Preston the stupid dog and codsworth
Yeah u gotta try to remember. I just send them all to sanctuary hills. If it's already full, I send the companion to the Red Rocket next door, then go to sanctuary hills and select some random settler and send then off somewhere, that then opens up a spot, walk to red rocket and send the companion to sanctuary hills.


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
Yea dog I spent fucking forever to get down there. I've killed shit with the skulls before, I actually ran into a mutant camp on the way there that had one with the skull. Ima have to gear up in power armor. Maybe go get the other one I found and put cait in it. 2 power armor's might do it
I did this and murked them bitch ass assulatrons. Got Cai't healed and fucking now. Still haven't even found the railroad yet. Got up to level 24 yesterday. Hella robotic ass post lol
May 13, 2002
lol I'm at level 24 shit sucks i gotta pump rounds into putos to kill em I'm low on ammo
What guns you prefer? Put some points into Commando if you like automatics, gunslinger if you're into pistols and rifleman for non-automatic rifles. These perks will help you kill shit with a lot less shots. Especially if you get to like 3rd or 4th level, nothing like 1-shot killing enemies in the head