fallout 4

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May 13, 2002
why would strength matter
Strength & Endurance effects your general health. If you have say level 5 strength and level 5 endurance you can absorb more punishment compared to a level 1 Stength & level 1 Endurance. Additionally you start out with far less health and you gain hp each time you level up, so yeah, if you try this early on at a low level it can be very difficult especially if unprepared.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Strength & Endurance effects your general health. If you have say level 5 strength and level 5 endurance you can absorb more punishment compared to a level 1 Stength & level 1 Endurance. Additionally you start out with far less health and you gain hp each time you level up, so yeah, if you try this early on at a low level it can be very difficult especially if unprepared.
first time i ever heard of that, far as i knew it only effected carry weight and melee damage, and endurance was the only thing that affected health
May 13, 2002
first time i ever heard of that, far as i knew it only effected carry weight and melee damage, and endurance was the only thing that affected health
I read it on r/FO4 that S + E + level determines health. Maybe I'm wrong since it's a bit different than the past games but I can say from experience my character with level one strength is weak as fuck, like Raiders take me down with a couple shots, my endurance is like 3 or 4 maybe
May 13, 2002
bitch ass nick valentine keeps attacking me when i go to the covenant i should wipe his bitch ass off the map found some power armor in the water where the copter crashed that i let him get into then the cocksucker switches and attacks me
Why is he attacking u lol

I wonder if you're already on thin ice with him, got too many dislikes from him whether it be from stealing or killing random unprovoked people.

Only person that attacked me was that gay dude Danse. I sent him to the sanctuary after he was a companion and sent him to chill there. After I made a decision to side against the BoS, I went to sanctuary hills completely forgot about him, I show up and he says some shit like you betrayed me, pulls out his gun and starts blasting me! My entire settlement swarmed him and started fucking him up. All my people were heavily armed too, kind of an epic battle him in power armor against 18+ people lol. He took out a few random "settlers" before dying. I propped his corpse above the entrance as a warning to others - this is what will happen if you betray me!
Sep 20, 2005
Why is he attacking u lol

I wonder if you're already on thin ice with him, got too many dislikes from him whether it be from stealing or killing random unprovoked people.

Only person that attacked me was that gay dude Danse. I sent him to the sanctuary after he was a companion and sent him to chill there. After I made a decision to side against the BoS, I went to sanctuary hills completely forgot about him, I show up and he says some shit like you betrayed me, pulls out his gun and starts blasting me! My entire settlement swarmed him and started fucking him up. All my people were heavily armed too, kind of an epic battle him in power armor against 18+ people lol. He took out a few random "settlers" before dying. I propped his corpse above the entrance as a warning to others - this is what will happen if you betray me!
naw I'm on good terms with him its only that spot that he attacks me i searched it up read up on it from

Covenant - Fallout Wiki - Wikia

Nick Valentine, Preston Garvey, Piper Wright, Curie, Deacon and John Hancock disapprove if they are accompanying the player character when they enter Covenant for the first time after passing the SAFE test. Presumably this is because of the settlement only allowing certain types of people in, something that most of these companions find disagreeable (two of them being synths, one being a ghoul, for instance).


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
hmmm... never even seen covenant on my map before, sounds interesting.

tbh i havent really felt like playing ever since i got to the institute... havent played in over a week i dunno what killed my drive. i need to get back into this shit and at least finish the story
May 13, 2002
hmmm... never even seen covenant on my map before, sounds interesting.

tbh i havent really felt like playing ever since i got to the institute... havent played in over a week i dunno what killed my drive. i need to get back into this shit and at least finish the story
Probably just needed a break. The main story isn't all that long so if you want to finish it you can grind through it relatively quick from where you're at (so long as you don't do side shit).

I think they cut out a faction. There are some really specific parts in the game that were obviously cut short or out, that implied there was a Raider faction or some kind of truly "evil" option. Maybe that will come later for dlc but something was clearly designed in the game that they pulled. Like the battle zone for example, I'm quite positive that was meant to be a playable fighting pit, like in FO3 and in NV. Also the robot racing track, there are all these options in the terminal, waaay too many options put in there for no reason. I hope DLC puts that back, would have been cool to watch robot racing and gamble, and of course fight raiders in the cage.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Jesus Christ. So I'm trynna fuck Cait right, so I figure cure her of her addiction and maybe she'll give up teh anal. Well fuck me. I get to that vault 95 and get startched in oh 30 seconds or so. Won't be going back anytime soon. Sorry Cait, maybe Piper is easier
lol yeah isnt vault 95 on the bottom of the map? i think it was full of legendary assaultrons and all kinds of crazy shit when i did it, it was intense even with power armor on


Dec 18, 2008
At the Pump
lol yeah isnt vault 95 on the bottom of the map? i think it was full of legendary assaultrons and all kinds of crazy shit when i did it, it was intense even with power armor on
Fuck, I always forget about power armor. Shit I only got one set and have never even used it. Got a shit load of the cores though