fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Have you met Curie? That voice tho.... She puts Piper to shame.

Been rolling around with Deacon for a minute even though I don't really like the dude, but I figured the quests I'm doing are relevant to him so he'll stick around for now, then its garden duty. Actually I can't remember if you can make companions work on food or not but I have Strong doing a supply line. It's fun following him on his path and watching him destroy every thing that comes in his way
Nah I seriously spent like 80% of my time in the settlements... once i figured out its kinda broken as is (im having tons of problems like crops not being selectable, scrap seems to cap out, water seems to cap out, tons of stuff) i just said fuck it and decided to make about 500 water at sanctuary and 500+ defense, and i wont bother checking my other settlements until shit gets fixed. I'm just going to play the game now. went from level 26 to level 31 i cleared out the boston pond (killed that legendary guy in the pool), cleared out vault 114 which happened to have a quest there for that Valentine guy, cleared out a few buildings in that area. its a whole lot funner i really like how the guns shoot in this game. i had to heavily heavily mod fallout new vegas to get all this stuff like sprinting and hotkeyed grenades and now its standard, and the guns just feel good especially hip firing a rifle. i see what youre saying now with the "heavy medium light" armor shit. i got a full set of heavy combat armor minus the right arm, and all the arms i pick up i have to equip to see if they're heavy and theyre never heavy its starting to annoy me lol.

Man I wish i could reset my stats though... i burned a couple of points in a couple perks i dont want anymore. and it seems like going the 10 perception route was kinda not worth it. i never seem to use vats id rather all those points be put in something else... like 10 charisma. oh well
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May 13, 2002
Nah I seriously spent like 80% of my time in the settlements... once i figured out its kinda broken as is (im having tons of problems like crops not being selectable, scrap seems to cap out, water seems to cap out, tons of stuff) i just said fuck it and decided to make about 500 water at sanctuary and 500+ defense, and i wont bother checking my other settlements until shit gets fixed. I'm just going to play the game now. went from level 26 to level 31 i cleared out the boston pond (killed that legendary guy in the pool), cleared out vault 114 which happened to have a quest there for that Valentine guy, cleared out a few buildings in that area. its a whole lot funner i really like how the guns shoot in this game. i had to heavily heavily mod fallout new vegas to get all this stuff like sprinting and hotkeyed grenades and now its standard, and the guns just feel good especially hip firing a rifle. i see what youre saying now with the "heavy medium light" armor shit. i got a full set of heavy combat armor minus the right arm, and all the arms i pick up i have to equip to see if they're heavy and theyre never heavy its starting to annoy me lol.

Man I wish i could reset my stats though... i burned a couple of points in a couple perks i dont want anymore. and it seems like going the 10 perception route was kinda not worth it. i never seem to use vats id rather all those points be put in something else... like 10 charisma. oh well
I figured there were caps in settlements so you don't become like a billionaire.

I like to keep my guy not too over powered so I just use leather armor. The game is still really challenging at times and locations. In fo3 and NV, by the end you're so overpowered it gets way too easy and not as fun, so I try to avoid that here by not getting certain perks, never using power armor or even combat armor, etc. I'm like level 45-47 something like that and I had a hell of a time yesterday clearing out some OP gunners south in the map. Ended up taking quite a bit of strategy to defeat them, which was cool.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
by the way i used a nuke on that big monster thing in that pool... it was pretty gay lol it just looked like a regular explosion, this tiny little mushroom cloud. the fat man is more devastating i think


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

Here's the main area where my settlers sleep. It defies physics but I dont give a fuck, Bethesda should've made it possible to flatten ground until then ill abuse the shit lol. Also those ugly tato plants are permanently stuck there i cant select them and get rid of them i eventually moved to mutfruit cuase its more efficient

Inside. Tried to add some shit hoping to boost happiness it didnt seem to make a difference.

Roof top shops

The only entrance. Settlement is completely walled off

I noticed carla would always chill out in this exact same spot so i put a pool table and some couches and a bar there lol, also put my power armor there

water and power. like 4 of those purifiers arent hooked up, gotta get more components and bring my defense from 400 something to 600+ before i connect them

Basically i couldve made a way better base but fuck it lol. no ones got time for that just give me water and caps
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May 13, 2002
I've tried every single mode they have and they always end up attacking me at some point
The only one I have issues with is the Subway one, I think it's broken because I'll give him a subway token and then he shoots me.

I think the "trick" is just don't shoot anything until the Protrectron encounters raiders or whomever first. Once it does you can fight them too without problems. But if there is no combat going on don't fire ur weapon. At least, that's my experience.

As a test, equip a hard hat and then load the construction worker personality. If it attacks u something is going wrong in ur game because wearing a hard hat is supposed to make it think ur part of construction and it thanks you, etc.

The medic one is pretty hilarious when it comes across dead bodies, "THIS PATIENT NEEDS....A. CORONOR" lol
May 13, 2002
@ have you found a vendor that sells shipments of steel? I always run out of steel. I have like 50 gazillion wood but steel runs out so fast, which of course makes it so I can't build anymore. Of course I can loot and scrap steel, but that takes a long ass time to build up an adequate amount.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
@ have you found a vendor that sells shipments of steel? I always run out of steel. I have like 50 gazillion wood but steel runs out so fast, which of course makes it so I can't build anymore. Of course I can loot and scrap steel, but that takes a long ass time to build up an adequate amount.
yeah, theres someone that sells 4 shipments of 100 at a time i think its the robot at night time in diamond city. also scrapping all the cars at the drive in place only takes like 5 minutes and thats like 450 steel

i just looked up console commands to spawn in 20 legendary raiders on the bridge by that tower and they owned it so goddamned fast lol, they jsut chucked a few grenades and basically everything was disabled almost instantly. im going to have to redo that tower, raise the missile launchers up a level, block off the generator so it doesnt get blown up instantly, then add in like way way more turrets

shit i really hope i didnt just ruin my game by "cheating" i dont want to get all those achievements disabled that would suck, i didnt save anything
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May 13, 2002
yeah, theres someone that sells 4 shipments of 100 at a time i think its the robot at night time in diamond city. also scrapping all the cars at the drive in place only takes like 5 minutes and thats like 450 steel
I scrapped those cars a long time ago amigo.

I'll check the robot again, swear he didn't have shit for steel last I checked but maybe it was the human in the day.

i just looked up console commands to spawn in 20 legendary raiders on the bridge by that tower and they owned it so goddamned fast lol, they jsut chucked a few grenades and basically everything was disabled almost instantly. im going to have to redo that tower, raise the missile launchers up a level, block off the generator so it doesnt get blown up instantly, then add in like way way more turrets

shit i really hope i didnt just ruin my game by "cheating" i dont want to get all those achievements disabled that would suck, i didnt save anything
Pretty sure console commands don't ruin any kind of achievements, I know I've read that before.

There is already a mod available for more challenging raids and will be updated and more advanced once GECK is out. I mean as it is now, as long as ur defense is higher than food and water you will never be raided so it doesn't really matter how efficient the design of ur defense tower is (other than knowing in ur head it would actually work lol).


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I scrapped those cars a long time ago amigo.

I'll check the robot again, swear he didn't have shit for steel last I checked but maybe it was the human in the day.

Pretty sure console commands don't ruin any kind of achievements, I know I've read that before.

There is already a mod available for more challenging raids and will be updated and more advanced once GECK is out. I mean as it is now, as long as ur defense is higher than food and water you will never be raided so it doesn't really matter how efficient the design of ur defense tower is (other than knowing in ur head it would actually work lol).
pretty sure itw as that robot in diamond city that had the steel. i usually get steel from him then wait til the day time nad grab all the copper and circuitry from that weapons dude, and i get oil from carla
yeah ive only been attacked one single time, and it was at a settlement where i had like 30 food and like 15 defense lol. after that i put about 80 defense there and havent been attacked since


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

lol i thought my tower was dope they seriously disabled practically every single turret with two grenades, in less than ten seconds i think only 3 of them died. fuck it im going to redo it like how that guy posted up in that one youtube video so the generator doesnt get disabled instantly


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Lol that's crazy. Reminds me of the 100 BoS vs 1000 Deathclaw video on YouTube. Some of those videos are nuts and surely approaching NASA super computer levels.
yeah i just tried spawning in 1000 aliens without really thinking about the consequences, my frame rates dropped to like, maybe 5 lol im surprised my computer didnt catch on fire. im running a stock cooler i bet if i overclocked it to like 4.2ghz with a nice heatsink and fan and added a little more ram id be able to do it


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Did you actually physically bring the steel from the drive in back to sanctuary @20-sixx? I think only Junk gets shared, but actual raw components don't for whatever reason, but seem to be available to all if you bring it to sanctuary, then again I'm not sure. lol man its confusing but maybe worth a try?


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
I robbed trashcan Karla first time I ever saw her lol huge mistake
lol yeah shes the only merchant ive found so far that sells Shipment of Oil (25 oils). and i always always need oil its such a pain in the ass. after clearing out some buildings though ive looted a shit load of bones, and you can use bones + some other stuff at a Chem Station to make Cutting Fluid, which has like 3 oils each or something like that, got a ton of oil that way