Evolution and genetic engeneering.

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May 13, 2002
Please don’t post if you do not believe in evolution. My intentions are not to debate evolution, but the future of evolution.

**Remember, you dont have to believe in evolution to agree with what is said below.

Since we are at a time when genetic engineering is just around the corner, and in many cases has already begun, what does evolution have in store for mankind?

It looks to me that humans will be the first species on the planet that will consciously decide the next step in evolution.

With genetic engineering, mankind of tomorrow will no longer be a creation of nature or of chance, but instead a manufactured product.

Think about it. For years it has been mandatory for children to receive shots shortly after they are born. As time passes and medical science advances, new and improved methods will be available and mandatory.

Eventually medical science will reach a point where the parents will have the decision to use genetic techniques that will insure a healthy child. Certain techniques will eliminate the chance of baldness, diseases such as cancer or diabetes and possibly even allow the parents to choose what their children will look like.

After time, this practice will be normal and expected of parents.
What will happen after this? Will electronics and advanced technology such as nanotechnology play a key role?
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Please dont post if you do not believe in evolution. My intentions are not to debate evolution, but the future of evolution.

Since we are at a time when genetic engeneering is just around the corner, and in many cases has already begun, what does evolution have instore for mankind?

It looks to me that humans will be the first species on the planet that will consiously decide the next step in evolution.

With genetic engineering, mankind of tomorrow will no longer be a creation of nature or of chance, but instead a manufactured product.

Think about it. For years it has been mandatory for children to recieve shots shortly after they are born. As time passes and medical science advances, new and improved methods will be availabe and mandatory.

Eventually medical science will reach a point where the parents will have the decision to use genetic techniques that will insure a healthy child. Techniques that will eliminate the chance of baldness, diseases such as cancer or diabetes and possibly even allow the parents to choose what their children will look like.

After time this practice will be normal and expected of parents.

What will happen after this? Will electronics and advanced technology such as nanotechnology play a key role?
the only type of ppl who would be able to afford this type of shit would of course be the rich.....imagine that? a class of super smart fucks, separated form our income base classes. ... another way to divide the ppl.

i dont see any good in this.
May 13, 2002
Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

nefar559 said:

the only type of ppl who would be able to afford this type of shit would of course be the rich.....imagine that? a class of super smart fucks, separated form our income base classes. ... another way to divide the ppl.

i dont see any good in this.
Why only the rich?

At first only the rich, but as the pratices advance and time passes these procedures will be less costly and common amoung the middle class and even the poor.

Think of all new technology. The price always drops dramatically after time.
Jul 7, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

2-0-Sixx said:

Why only the rich?

At first only the rich, but as the pratices advance and time passes these procedures will be less costly and common amoung the middle class and even the poor.

Think of all new technology. The price always drops dramatically after time.
just like the 30million of american who are label poor, can't or can barely get by? i dont think so man.

what about other countries? where proverity is high, damn the whole word.. This is only gonig to benifit certain type of ppl.

put in today terms, how many americans dont have access to health care? what makes you so sure they would have access to this technology?
May 13, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

nefar559 said:

just like the 30million of american who are label poor, can't or can barely get by? i dont think so man.
put in today terms, how many americans don’t have access to health care? what makes you so sure they would have access to this technology?
Remember that even poor children are required to receive shots and insulin. Certain technological techniques will be mandatory for all children, not just the rich. Just wait till the government starts regulating the genetic constitution of your children.

Sure, the rich will have certain benefits that others cannot afford, like choosing there looks, characteristics, etc.

As for poor countries, as long as they have the technology they will follow. You see, while richer countries like america are producing more and more "perfect" humans the rest of the world, (poor countries or countries that have made ethical decisions) will be forced to eventually use these same techniques or face the consequence of not having humans on "par" with the other countries.
Jul 7, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

2-0-Sixx said:

Remember that even poor children are required to receive shots and insulin. Certain technological techniques will be mandatory for all children, not just the rich. Just wait till the government starts regulating the genetic constitution of your children.

Sure, the rich will have certain benefits that others cannot afford, like choosing there looks, characteristics, etc.

As for poor countries, as long as they have the technology they will follow. You see, while richer countries like america are producing more and more "perfect" humans the rest of the world, (poor countries or countries that have made ethical decisions) will be forced to eventually use these same techniques or face the consequence of not having humans on "par" with the other countries.
i dont even see this as a mandatory thing, its more like a luxury.
May 13, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

nefar559 said:

i dont even see this as a mandatory thing, its more like a luxury.
Maybe at first, but I’m talking years from now.

Think of this example.

Let’s say this technology is available. Some, not many, will choose to have their children genetically engineered. When these children grow up, and have never had a cold or never got an illness, and they lived a very good life. Their entire lives they see sick people, people dying of disease, etc. When the time comes to have children, they will make the same decision their parents made.

At the same time, a family who did NOT decide to go with this genetic engineering, their children grow up with illnesses and sicknesses etc. They feel inferior to these genetically engineered humans. When the time comes for them to have children, they will decide to go with genetic engineering because they do not want their kids to be inferior.

"When a new item of technology is introduced as an option that an individual can accept or not as he chooses, it does not necessarily REMAIN optional. In many cases the new technology changes society in such a way that people eventually find themselves FORCED to use it."
Jul 7, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

2-0-Sixx said:

Maybe at first, but I’m talking years from now.

Think of this example.

Let’s say this technology is available. Some, not many, will choose to have their children genetically engineered. When these children grow up, and have never had a cold or never got an illness, and they lived a very good life. Their entire lives they see sick people, people dying of disease, etc. When the time comes to have children, they will make the same decision their parents made.

At the same time, a family who did NOT decide to go with this genetic engineering, their children grow up with illnesses and sicknesses etc. They feel inferior to these genetically engineered humans. When the time comes for them to have children, they will decide to go with genetic engineering because they do not want their kids to be inferior.

"When a new item of technology is introduced as an option that an individual can accept or not as he chooses, it does not necessarily REMAIN optional. In many cases the new technology changes society in such a way that people eventually find themselves FORCED to use it."
ok i see that. but that doesn't convince me that such a thing will be mandatory. I mean look at third world countries where they getting fucked by rich countries. there is proverity that can be solved by providing food, ppl dying of curable dieases, yet nothing is done, for this ppl. what makes you think such a thing will be provided for them? even here in the states, our current system doesnt give a fuck about ppl who can't provide for themselfs.

i understand the quote, but i think it will only apply to those with the money
May 17, 2002
life is self engineering. the life in us that is seperate from our conscious mind contorts and adapts our special (species-ial) existence. it is only natural that mankind improves on his condition and design. with that in mind genetic engineering is not a deviation from evolution but a progressive manifestation thereof. nothing can stop progress. progress is only temporarily hindered and excellerated.

as 20 said, some technologies can't be resisted. and even though most innovations come with a price, such is life. those who will not adapt will die. not every abberation/innovation is a good one i.e. what genetic turn spawned the platypus. therefore just because genetic engineering may be a progressive thing to do doesn't mean it is best.

think about it. just because humanity is most likely one of the most successful branches of the evolutionary tree it is not the most prolific i.e. plantae and insects.

proliferation and specialization does not make a species adaptive or successful those who partake in genetic engineering on a cosmetic level can quite possible engineer a new species and a new path to there own demise. take for instance humanity. we have the capability to reach the stars and the ambivalent ability to wipe life from the face of the planet. so can our tampering wipe out this incarnation of humanity if the "improvements" see us as competition, or a threat to their stage of life.

life tends to propagate / change / compete / then repropagate.

when you develop a situation of competition someone or something will cease to exist.

are we as the current state of humanity prepared to compete for our own exsistance with a newly created race that may be superior to us in all manifestation?


Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
The poor will be the first to experience the advantages and the mistakes of this. Cuz the poor will be the ones experimented with and on. When something happens to John Doe nobody pays it no mind or it was just a freak accident. When something happens to Jonathan Doechester III everybody hears about that shit even if it was a freak accident. Rich people won't pay for anything unless it's a sure thing. So before they experiment on their kids there gonna have to be convinced of the results. Poor people on the other hand will volunteer for that shit if you offer them enough money and they hurtin.

The first generation of x-men will be your average everyday people. Just like it is in the comic books.

I mean look at it this way:

Spider-Man- A dumbass schoolkid suburbanite fuckin around with shit. All the scientists knew to stay away from that spider. One just happened to be missing, and a school fieldtrip was planned the same day, my mothafuckin ass. What the movie didn't show was all the fools in the unmarked vans with the surveilance equipment tracking Peter Parker by the microscopic tracker implanted somewhere on his body the day before.

Wolverine- Just a good ol' boy soldier and war vet. Again scientists say "hey we can help you run faster so you don't get killed in war", Wolverines thinkin, "Shit sounds good to me, ain't nobody like to get shot", and BAM! he can't remember a damn thing and now when he gets pissed undestructable claws break out of his knuckles (which is very painful by the way) and he just wants to kill everything cuz he can't control his temper like he used to in the good old days. Thanks for the "help" scientists now nobody likes me.

Superman- So fuckin poor in a rundown ass farm in the middle of fuckin nowhere, he had to fall from the fuckin sky. And he was from "another planet". Why because he was in the paper to damn much, all flyin around and shit, and the scientists had to say somethin.

On the other hand:

Batman- Super Bill Gates type a rich man... no super powers. Just a cause, an idea, and enough money to make pretty much anything he could imagine come to life. The scientists worked for him, not on him.

My point is even in fantasyland things work that way. I wouldn't be too worried about the rich benefitting from this I'd be more worried about what I eat, smoke, inhale, taste, touch, inject, rub up against... you feel me. Keep your eyes open. Who's to say that shit ain't already started.
Sep 28, 2002
It is rediculus to think that human beings will ever defeat or even be able to compete with natural evolution of disease. These bugs have obserdly low generational turn over rates and while you engeneer a solution to one problem you create 10 more. As far as a perfect human genome is concerned the random combination method (natural) has the highest likelyhood of overall species survival otherwise you cause a bottle neck and go extinct eventually.

LOL @ "we have the capability to reach the stars"
Jul 24, 2002
Hey 2-0,

I don't think this is evolution anymore. Well at least natural evolution. This is more like genetic alterations.

I think advances in technology in general will help medical science.
Nanotechnology seems impossible at the moment, but technology always makes what seems the impossible possible.
May 13, 2002

1) A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.

2) The process of developing.

3) Gradual development.

4) Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

Your right, its not natural, but it still is evolution.
May 8, 2002
Re: Re: Evolution and genetic engeneering.

nefar559 said:
the only type of ppl who would be able to afford this type of shit would of course be the rich.....imagine that? a class of super smart fucks, separated form our income base classes. ... another way to divide the ppl.
not in cuba. in cuba everyone could get the above mentioned prodecures and for FREE to top it off
May 13, 2002
Yes, I believe this will occur. Evolution will still always continue of course as long as most everyone has different DNA. I agree with you though, in a thousand years from now, we will probably look different due to unnatural causes. But, one can also look at this from the perspective of an alien who has visited thousands of worlds, and finds that we are in the natural phase of our development where we manipulate our genes.

Acceptance for new genetic improvements into society, and changing this acceptance into a requirement with time is the stepping stone that will lead to further genetic advancements almost unimaginable at this point. This is what I have believed all along, and this is what we and “others” agree upon.

Maybe a few thousand years from now, a computer compatible with our brain functions that can compute numbers faster and easier than our brain will be common place to simply pop-in one’s head. After time this would become more popular, and parents would be forced to apply this technology to their children just for them to compete. Of course it would be all transparent though, just like how modern technology in pluming has put pressure on us to take daily showers, when until around a hundred years ago people took showers once a week.