look man wut tha fuck are you arguing for if you're not saying Emmitt iz tha bezt of all tyme? answer thiz, DO YOU THINK EMMITT IZ THA BEZT OF ALL TYME? if you're trying to make a point that Emmitt iz a good back, i never said he wuznt. STATZ show that Barry iz a better back than Emmitt. all you have are statz....statisticly, Walter Payton wuz better than Emmitt, Jim Brown wuz better than Emmitt, Barry wuz better than Emmitt....so wut are you arguing about? wut are you trying to make us believe? we already know Emmitt iz a good running back, so wut are you trying to get across? all im saying iz he iz not tha bezt of all tyme. end of story. whether he had a good OL or a shitty one hiz statz dont add up to Barry'z and Barry haz ALWAYZ had tha worzt lyne in tha NFL. point blank.