Emmitt In Dis Bitch!!! Best RB Ever!!!!

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Apr 25, 2002
"One more thing ... that 77.87 yards per game and .54 touchdowns per game that he has averaged from 1996-2002 averages out to, over the course of a 16 game season to ...

1246 yards and 8.6 Touchdowns.

Most running backs would kill for those numbers in their primes.

Emmitt has been posting that in the twighlight of his career.

Arguments can certainly be made for a number of running backs as being the best ever.

But it's ridiculous to think Emmitt is out of the discussion (as Jim Rome said today ... as he put it, it's "nonsense" or something like that to consider Emmitt #1) simply because he benefitted from a great line.

He hasn't had those benefits in quite some time, yet has been putting up nearly 1250 yards and 9 TDs a year anyway.

Yep. All the offensive line.

Emmitt's sure one lucky guy. Yep."
Apr 25, 2002
Yeah, Emmitt is great back...best ever...not hardly...he did benefit from having good teams...Team meaning offense and defense...defense gets turnovers and stops...giving you more time of possesion, offense you have other threats, Aikman, Irvin...

Consider Barry Sanders...played on crappy teams his whole career...when you played the lions, you never worried about the D...Scott Mitchell, Kramer, Peete or any other bum they had at QB...

Plus the Lions for most of those years, played with 3 wide recievers...meaning Barry had no fullback to block for him...and yet he still amassed all the yards, with teams specifically trying to stop him...
Apr 25, 2002
lyke i said....BARRY SANDERS iz tha bezt ever, Emmitt Smith iz a good back, i didnt say he wuznt, BUT you will not fynd a football fan other than a Cowboys fan who will say he iz tha bezt ever. im a NINER fan, i wont claim we've ever had anyone close to being tha bezt ever at HB. thatz not our position, QB maybe, WR definately, but HB....No. ill make it clear, i dont lyke tha Cowboys but if Emmitt deserved to be called tha bezt ever id call him tha bezt ever. but thatz not tha case and tha two of you who are claiming he iz tha bezt ever are biased. point blank.

ok letz check out your statz here. had he played without tha dominant offensive lyne he would have 15,028 yardz ryght now....clearly he would not have broken tha record. Now, letz take away 2 year'z worth tha average yardz (since Barry haznt played in 2 yearz) and you got 12,536. Barry had over 15,000 yardz when he retired. not to mention tha fact that Emmitt'z lyne RYGHT NOW iz 5X better than Barry'z lyne EVER wuz!
Apr 25, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:

ok letz check out your statz here. had he played without tha dominant offensive lyne he would have 15,028 yardz ryght now....clearly he would not have broken tha record. Now, letz take away 2 year'z worth tha average yardz (since Barry haznt played in 2 yearz) and you got 12,536. Barry had over 15,000 yardz when he retired. not to mention tha fact that Emmitt'z lyne RYGHT NOW iz 5X better than Barry'z lyne EVER wuz!
What your saying makes no sense if Emmitt didn't get the yards this year he was going to get it next year, Emmitt can still play football at a high level and has been his last five years thats why he always reach 1,000. Emmitt Smith is on pace for 1112 yards this season, and this was with times when he only averaged 13 FRIGGIN carries a game for the first six weeks. If Emmitt was averaging atleast 18 carries a game earlier on in this season Emmitt would be on pace for 1300 yards. One thing you failed to mention was that Emmitts Smiths carries went down in his career and thats why he only has 15,028 yards if he was utilized properly he would've been in the 15,800 yardage area.


Lastly you guys make me laugh when you say Emmitt is the product of his offensive Line. Could Joe Montana complete 70% without the greatest receiver of all time and pretty damn good John Taylor? Of course not when he was in KC he only completed 60% of his passes. Could Joe Montana put up those yardage without Rice and Taylor..heck no. Most great players either receivers, backs, QB's benefited from something. If Jerry Rice didn't have a QB that could place the ball well he wouldn't have as many yards now. Because a lot of Jerry's yards after the catch was great ball placement by Montana. One benefits from the other...

Any ways Emmitt played for a hall of fame line eh? Pick'em out..Larry Allen is a future hall of famer but thats. Who the fuck is Mike Kislak? Craig Page? Tony Myslinski blocking for Emmitt Smith when he was rushing for 1397 yards in 1999. I think people fail to realize is that Emmitt ran to the whole and used his quickness and breaking tackle skills to get him in the open yards, and don't forget his vision he sees everything on the field and not many people have his vision. You can't run into his whole and instantly pick up ten yards you have to see everything around him and thats what Emmmitt did soo well.

John Gesek 90-93
Kevin Gogan 90-93
Dale Hellestrae 90-00
Crawford Ker 90
Nate Newton 90-98
Tony Slayton 90
Mark Stepnoski 90-94, 99-01
Mark Tuinei 90-97
Jeff Zimmerman 90
Erik Williams 91-00
Alan Veingrad 91-92
Derek Kennard 94-96
Soloman Page 99-01
Jerry Reynolds 94
Ron Stone 94-95
Larry Allen 94-01
Michael Batiste 95
John Flannery 96-97
Ray Donaldson 95-96
George Hegamin 94, 96-97
Clay Shiver 96-98
Tony Hutson 97-99
Steve Scifres 97
Flozell Adams 98-01
Mike Kiselak 98
Everett McIver 98-99
Oliver Ross 98
Ben Fricke 99-01
Tom Myslinski 99
Jorge Diaz 00
Al Jackson 00
Craig Page 00
Char-ron Dorsey 01
Kelvin Garmon 01
Aaron Gibson 01
Matt Lehr 01
May 19, 2002
Well if u watch sports programs and shit, B. Sanders isnt know where in the top 5 alone! One ESPN analysis had B. Sanders #10, and Emmitt # 5! Why people dont say B. Sanders is because, he had hella carries where he lost yards! Secondly if it was either 3rd & 1, or 4th & 1, he wouldnt be the back gettin u that yard u would need! Plus he never won! So he wouldnt be in my top 5 either, but everyone has there opinions!
Apr 25, 2002
Tenkamenin said:

What your saying makes no sense if Emmitt didn't get the yards this year he was going to get it next year, Emmitt can still play football at a high level and has been his last five years thats why he always reach 1,000. Emmitt Smith is on pace for 1112 yards this season, and this was with times when he only averaged 13 FRIGGIN carries a game for the first six weeks. If Emmitt was averaging atleast 18 carries a game earlier on in this season Emmitt would be on pace for 1300 yards. One thing you failed to mention was that Emmitts Smiths carries went down in his career and thats why he only has 15,028 yards if he was utilized properly he would've been in the 15,800 yardage area.

thatz ryght Barry DID NOT WANT IT. he didnt return juzt to get tha fuckin record. we all know damn well that Emmitt iz only playin for that fuckin record. hiz ass will retire within tha next 2 yearz.

and wut did all that have to do with tha fact that Barry woulda had more yardz than Emmitt? take away tha 2 yearz that Emmitt haz played while Barry didnt and you'll see Barry had around 3,000 more yardz than Emmitt. statz dont alwayz make you tha bezt, but statisticly, over a projected 2 yearz Barry would have near 18,000 yardz ryght now. juzt cuz Emmit got tha record doeznt mean he iz tha bezt ever.

az for all that bullshyt you typed about tha O Line....itz pointless. you know damn well they helped Emmitt gain thoze yardz 5 timez more than Barry'z lyne helped him gain hiz. over tha course of hiz career Emmitt haz had namez worth mentioning to block him, who haz Barry had? name one good lineman Barry had to block for him. exactly. barry earned hiz yardz more than Emmitt ever haz or ever will. end of story.
Apr 25, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:

thatz ryght Barry DID NOT WANT IT. he didnt return juzt to get tha fuckin record. we all know damn well that Emmitt iz only playin for that fuckin record. hiz ass will retire within tha next 2 yearz.

and wut did all that have to do with tha fact that Barry woulda had more yardz than Emmitt? take away tha 2 yearz that Emmitt haz played while Barry didnt and you'll see Barry had around 3,000 more yardz than Emmitt. statz dont alwayz make you tha bezt, but statisticly, over a projected 2 yearz Barry would have near 18,000 yardz ryght now. juzt cuz Emmit got tha record doeznt mean he iz tha bezt ever.

az for all that bullshyt you typed about tha O Line....itz pointless. you know damn well they helped Emmitt gain thoze yardz 5 timez more than Barry'z lyne helped him gain hiz. over tha course of hiz career Emmitt haz had namez worth mentioning to block him, who haz Barry had? name one good lineman Barry had to block for him. exactly. barry earned hiz yardz more than Emmitt ever haz or ever will. end of story.

LOL!! What you said is an absolute joke. Emmitt Smith is still playing because he's still a very good back. Is Jerry Rice playing just because he wants to make his stats even more out of reach then the are? Maybe he LOVES THE GAME!! Same with Jerry Rice right? In Emmitt Smiths career he has averaged 316 carries a season. And if he's to get that many carries this season he would rake up 1330 yards even. Tell me those numbers aren't good? If a running back can still run for over 1300 yards you can still play the fuckin game..

Heres another mind boggling stat for you..

Emmitt Smith in 1994 where he had that "great o-line" his stats were...368-1484 averaging 4 yards a carry. In 2002 if Emmitt was given 368 carries he would be averaging 1545 yards...With what O-Line? Explain to me how Emmitt with the worst offensive line in football would shatter his 94 yardage with this sorry group of people he's playing with now?

THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS his yardage isn't a product of his O-Line, his yardage is the product of how many carries he's got. You also got to factor in age, but he even shatters that because in 94 he only averaged 4 yards a carry and in 2000 he averaged 4.1 yards a carry. SO HE'S CONSISTENT!! And being the back thats carried the ball most out of any running back to play this game still at a high level is fuckin remarkable.

There's more to running then just a hole, he shook and broke tackles. Well


People who bring up Barry Sanders as the greatest, are crazy. Barry had Flaws, like losing large chunks of yards and he was taken out of the game when his team was in the Redzone. He also choked big time in the playoffs, Sanders is far from the best.

If Faulk plays as long as Emmitt and stays consistent, I wonder what kinda #'s he will have and maybe he could be considered as one of the greatest
Apr 25, 2002
how does more carries make you better? to me that makes it worse, he needed more carries then Walter to break his record....over 100 more carries.

an that shit about Barry is not always true.......yea he did lose yards, but who has more 100 yard games? him or Emmit?............Barry ........carry for carry Barry is clownin on Emmit in stats

an that shit about him bein taken outta the game in the redzone, he had no controll over that.......that would be that fuckin idiot wayne fonts........if that was my team, ima give the ball to my best player EVERY time in the redzone..........maybe they woulda won more games.

an Barry didnt choke against the skins in 91, the LIONS choked.
Apr 25, 2002
T-Dubb said:
how does more carries make you better? to me that makes it worse, he needed more carries then Walter to break his record....over 100 more carries.

an that shit about Barry is not always true.......yea he did lose yards, but who has more 100 yard games? him or Emmit?............Barry ........carry for carry Barry is clownin on Emmit in stats

an that shit about him bein taken outta the game in the redzone, he had no controll over that.......that would be that fuckin idiot wayne fonts........if that was my team, ima give the ball to my best player EVERY time in the redzone..........maybe they woulda won more games.

an Barry didnt choke against the skins in 91, the LIONS choked.
More carries does not make you worse when your average in the 4.3 yards a carry. How many people can average 5 yards a carry for there entire career?

It is said in the league that the more carries you have the more you slip and fail to produce. Emmitt has carried the ball more than anyone in the history of the game and is still rushing for over 1,000 yards. Now that is IMPRESSIVE in my opinion, he takes more hits because he can't shake like Barry but yet he can still run effectively that says a lot about his strength and physical make up. To have so many touches and defensive tackles, ends, safetys, LB's hitting you for 13 years is impresive.
Apr 25, 2002
it does say alot about Emmit, he is a great rb.

Barry averaged 5.0 a carry for his whole career........now factor in that he lost yards about 30% of the time........now thats pretty fuckin amazing
Apr 25, 2002
T-Dubb said:
it does say alot about Emmit, he is a great rb.

Barry averaged 5.0 a carry for his whole career........now factor in that he lost yards about 30% of the time........now thats pretty fuckin amazing
And another point about the "It's kinda of weak that he needed more carries" comment is that you failed to mention was that Walter Payton ran the 40 yard dash under 4.4 while Emmitt Smith ran the 40 yard dash at 4.69 even. Emmitt has broke the myth that you had to be 6'2 215+ lbs 4.4 40 or better back to be great in this league. He's 5'9 209 lbs and runs a 4.7....When someone is not that fast he's going to get caught from behind so it'll take him more carries. Now if Emmitt ran the 40 as fast as Walter and still needed more carries your argument would hold a lot of merit....but they don't.

Also about Barry Sanders, he's a hit and miss kind of back. When it's 3rd and 1 Barry is looking for the homerun and sometimes it hurt his team. When it's 3rd and 1 with Emmitt Smith he's looking to get the first down. Barry is one of a kind and one of the greatest to ever play the game, his style of football will never be produced again.
Apr 25, 2002
Tenkamenin said:

LOL!! What you said is an absolute joke. Emmitt Smith is still playing because he's still a very good back. Is Jerry Rice playing just because he wants to make his stats even more out of reach then the are? Maybe he LOVES THE GAME!! Same with Jerry Rice right? In Emmitt Smiths career he has averaged 316 carries a season. And if he's to get that many carries this season he would rake up 1330 yards even. Tell me those numbers aren't good? If a running back can still run for over 1300 yards you can still play the fuckin game..

Heres another mind boggling stat for you..

Emmitt Smith in 1994 where he had that "great o-line" his stats were...368-1484 averaging 4 yards a carry. In 2002 if Emmitt was given 368 carries he would be averaging 1545 yards...With what O-Line? Explain to me how Emmitt with the worst offensive line in football would shatter his 94 yardage with this sorry group of people he's playing with now?

THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS his yardage isn't a product of his O-Line, his yardage is the product of how many carries he's got. You also got to factor in age, but he even shatters that because in 94 he only averaged 4 yards a carry and in 2000 he averaged 4.1 yards a carry. SO HE'S CONSISTENT!! And being the back thats carried the ball most out of any running back to play this game still at a high level is fuckin remarkable.

There's more to running then just a hole, he shook and broke tackles. Well
wut would cauze a man to go dig up all theze statz? sorry ass muthafucka.
Apr 25, 2002
T-Dubb said:
how does more carries make you better? to me that makes it worse, he needed more carries then Walter to break his record....over 100 more carries.

an that shit about Barry is not always true.......yea he did lose yards, but who has more 100 yard games? him or Emmit?............Barry ........carry for carry Barry is clownin on Emmit in stats

an that shit about him bein taken outta the game in the redzone, he had no controll over that.......that would be that fuckin idiot wayne fonts........if that was my team, ima give the ball to my best player EVERY time in the redzone..........maybe they woulda won more games.

an Barry didnt choke against the skins in 91, the LIONS choked.
Apr 25, 2002
tenk man i think you have a problem. your infatuation with Emmit Smith iz homo-ish. LoL seriously tho get off hiz ballz.

again ill say thiz....tha two of you who claim Emmitt iz tha bezt of all tyme JUZT HAPPEN TO BE COWBOYS fanz. hmmmmm....i wonder why you guyz think he'z tha bezt ever????

lyke i said, you wont fynd anyone other than a Cowboy fan who sayz Emmitt iz tha bezt ever. he iz AMONG tha bezt ever, but iz not THE bezt ever. face it.

az for tha comment on Jerry Rice....he already had tha recordz for yearz upon yearz. all hiz ass wantz iz another SuperBowl ring and he'z gonna retire. all Emmitt wanted wuz tha record and now i bet he retirez either at tha end of thiz seazon or he'll try to play it off so folkz lyke me dont catch on and he'll wait till next year to retire....either way if tha record wuz outta reach he woulda never returned thiz year. fuck wut u say.