i would not mind being filthy rich at all, but i do mind how i got there if i were there one day. if you don't work you don't eat right? there are many hustles out there, and to me, popping off with some pop bullshit like eminem has is not working for it in a sense because i know the dood is ghetto and rugged in the heart, really. look where he is from homie, but he switched all of that to cater to them crowds and that is never me homie. if it were that choice to me, i would choose to do what is really me and not sound like him, or cash money or the neptunes or whatever else is selling. Alll i can be is me and i am not changing that for anyone short of God or in certain instances maybe my fiancee, but i stand my ground pretty firmly when i say shit like that. and i don't think woodie would do some like eminem has, he may put out a more radio friendly song, i mean if he would have put out dreamin a life as an edited version on the radio, i still would feel that, but eminem's shit is completely different you dig? if that's what you mean then i totally agree, but if you think woodie would completely switch up his shit just to make a grip, i would say you are wrong homie and i would expect he would agree with that. i don't know the homie but from what i have seen, i think he kinda thinks a little like me about that subject. i wouldn't mind having a song on the radio, but i would not go completely against the grain just to sell records you dig? i would put an extra effort out there to make sure i never did that. it may be hard to believe but that's the way i am homie, that's all i can say.