You guys going to tell me that you believe in God and say the bible points in the right direction, when it suggests Original Sin is SEX (i.e. procreation), which you have inherited from your father, but that LOVE is not important? I broke an already fragile girl's heart because I tried to ignore the FACT that I am gay, because despite all the intent and effort, and many good reasons, I could never love her in the same way she loved me. Homosexuality can help fight overpopulation, it can decrease in-fighting and competition for sexual partners, and if we're still talking evolution, it creates a small minority target for everyone to direct their anger towards, thus helping to ensure the survival of the rest of the species. Designed or not, homosexuality is useful and not made-up.
It is sad that gay men are bullied into straight relationships and are at grave physical risk in a large portion of the world, even the United States, if they do not expend all conscious effort to pretend to be straight. Let's not forget the fact that "gay" is everybody's new favorite word, which isn't degrading at all, it's not like they have feelings, and "faggot" is probably the most overused insult since "your mama." Plus, nobody benefits from doomed relationships formed between gay men and straight women, and especially not the women who gets lied to every day of her life for her happiness.
Most people are too proud to change their minds. After all, if they were wrong all along, all the gay people they've mocked, harassed and threatened aren't the immoral monsters, THEY are. Plus, it's practically human nature to hate. Think about it, everybody either hates fags (or the sub-sections, "queens," "dykes"), or spics, or niggers, or "terrorists"/sandniggers, or chinks, or wops, or jews, or retards, or republicans, or lefties, or commies, or hobos, or junkies, or fat people, junkies, or more recently, straight edge, goths, emos, trannies, scientologists ETC. EVERYONE judges, only Jesus couldn't judge, if you believe his claims. So I guess only non-sinners are calling 'fags' immoral as per John 8:7 "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
All the evidence in the world suggests that being gay is not a choice, there are numerous studies that have noticed chemical and neurological differences among straight and gay men, such as "a report in 1991 by Dr. Simon LeVay that a small region of the hypothalamus is twice as large in straight men as in women or gay" (nytimes through google, also was in my intro psychology textbook 2006 edition). Hell, who would CHOOSE to be gay anyway. I certainly didn't and I tried for many years to choose to be straight but it's f-ing impossible and has literally driven me crazy, I mean mental disorder, drug addiction, because I tried to choose NOT to be what I have no control over.
Nobody says, "I think all stupid people are lazy. They could be as successful and intelligent as Einstein but they simply choose not to be smart. They put no effort into all the tests they take or everyday thinking. Even though their brain has substantially fewer dendrites. They want to be hated for their stupidity. Being stupid is immoral because God gave us the gift of intelligence and this is what they give in return/quote wisdom-related bible passage." But they do for gays.
The good news is, scientists aren't blind to the evidence, and the great majority of educated people aren't either, especially the younger generations. As older folks who are unwilling to change their opinion (and never have looked up the new evidence) go the way of their ancestors, eventually being gay will be about as taboo as being left handed. For now, my life is considerably more difficult than it should be if everyone was as "moral" as they claim.
It is sad that gay men are bullied into straight relationships and are at grave physical risk in a large portion of the world, even the United States, if they do not expend all conscious effort to pretend to be straight. Let's not forget the fact that "gay" is everybody's new favorite word, which isn't degrading at all, it's not like they have feelings, and "faggot" is probably the most overused insult since "your mama." Plus, nobody benefits from doomed relationships formed between gay men and straight women, and especially not the women who gets lied to every day of her life for her happiness.
Most people are too proud to change their minds. After all, if they were wrong all along, all the gay people they've mocked, harassed and threatened aren't the immoral monsters, THEY are. Plus, it's practically human nature to hate. Think about it, everybody either hates fags (or the sub-sections, "queens," "dykes"), or spics, or niggers, or "terrorists"/sandniggers, or chinks, or wops, or jews, or retards, or republicans, or lefties, or commies, or hobos, or junkies, or fat people, junkies, or more recently, straight edge, goths, emos, trannies, scientologists ETC. EVERYONE judges, only Jesus couldn't judge, if you believe his claims. So I guess only non-sinners are calling 'fags' immoral as per John 8:7 "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
All the evidence in the world suggests that being gay is not a choice, there are numerous studies that have noticed chemical and neurological differences among straight and gay men, such as "a report in 1991 by Dr. Simon LeVay that a small region of the hypothalamus is twice as large in straight men as in women or gay" (nytimes through google, also was in my intro psychology textbook 2006 edition). Hell, who would CHOOSE to be gay anyway. I certainly didn't and I tried for many years to choose to be straight but it's f-ing impossible and has literally driven me crazy, I mean mental disorder, drug addiction, because I tried to choose NOT to be what I have no control over.
Nobody says, "I think all stupid people are lazy. They could be as successful and intelligent as Einstein but they simply choose not to be smart. They put no effort into all the tests they take or everyday thinking. Even though their brain has substantially fewer dendrites. They want to be hated for their stupidity. Being stupid is immoral because God gave us the gift of intelligence and this is what they give in return/quote wisdom-related bible passage." But they do for gays.
The good news is, scientists aren't blind to the evidence, and the great majority of educated people aren't either, especially the younger generations. As older folks who are unwilling to change their opinion (and never have looked up the new evidence) go the way of their ancestors, eventually being gay will be about as taboo as being left handed. For now, my life is considerably more difficult than it should be if everyone was as "moral" as they claim.