Elton John Speaks Against Religion

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Apr 25, 2002
besides the fact these arent comprabable to homsexuality, and in fact, very offensive to many people, im sure, defining cancer and mental illnesses are "natural" or "unnatural" is fairly arbitrary and kinda irrelevant.
The fact that homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder apprx 34 years ago, but still debated is highly relevant to our discussion. Now, you read what I quoted, read my question and put on your thinking cap, and you'll see why defining them as natural or unnatural is relevant.

They're hard to cure, hard to define, hard to diagnose, hard to treat.
The same can be said for homosexuality.

They don't come from ingesting bad food or having sex.
Actually, BOTH can come from ingesting bad food or having sex. Syphilis can lead to mental illness, and nitrosamines and acrylamide are said to cause cancer (these are found in foods.) In addition, I suggest you look into the link between HPV and cervical cancer, and after you do, come back and tell us what you find.

They are biologically inherent in the human gene pool, and they EXIST.
See above.

so we cant just wish it away. if it were "unnatural" odds are that it would be filtered out, since humans should need to live with natural diseases.
This doesn't make much sense at all. What are the odds of cancer or mental illnesses being filtered out? If these conditions are natural, why is cancer usually linked to mutations and a result of dangerous habits (throat cancer or lung cancer caused by smoking), and why is mental illness linked to non natural means such as drug use during pregnancy or recreational drug use as a teen or adult? In addition, if cancer were natural, (as you imply) why is it that scientist say a 50% increase in global cancer by 2020? If this were natural you would not see an increase or decrease (the numbers would stay roughly the same), but if you did it, would be based on population or something similar. In addition, if these things are natural, why is it that industrialized nations have more cancer deaths than non-industrialized nations?
These are still going to exist until we can find a prevention.
Finding a prevention does not mean they are natural.

Regardless of whether or not homosexuality is a disease, natural, whatever, why dont people accept that some men just want to be with men, and not women?
Why can't some people look both ways before they cross the street? Why am I constantly telling people on this board to READ what has been posted before they actually reply? Who knows?!?! The point is, you can accept it all you want, but this is an issue that is going to be addressed and it needs to be addressed.

Regardless of how we're going to define homosexuality, there will still be homos. what the fuck is the big deal?
Do you want an answer?
Mar 9, 2005
HERESY said:
read the response to dubb, and since you wanted to ride the bandwagaon, I have a bonus question for you.

Is Post-traumatic stress disorder a naturally occuring illness?
Oh, that hurts. I thought you knew me better than that Heresy - I have never jumped on any bandwagon with the intention of forming allies to support an argument. Whatever argument I put forth, it is based solely on my personal beliefs. If that were not the case then I would lie through my teeth whilst making comments like 'God is great'.

I'm leaving uni now and can't be bothered responding to your claims at this moment - hard day. That will come soon enough...


Apr 25, 2002
Oh, that hurts. I thought you knew me better than that Heresy - I have never jumped on any bandwagon with the intention of forming allies to support an argument. Whatever argument I put forth, it is based solely on my personal beliefs. If that were not the case then I would lie through my teeth whilst making comments like 'God is great'.
Let me clarify because you took that the wrong way. What I mean by jumping on the bandwagon is addressing me and answering a question that was not directed towards you (which was first done by dubb.) However, I have no problem with you answering and now I extend the question to anyone who wants to answer (as if you all needed an invite....)

I'm leaving uni now and can't be bothered responding to your claims at this moment - hard day. That will come soon enough...
Mar 12, 2005
Heresy said:
why is it that scientist say a 50% increase in global cancer by 2020?
why is it that industrialized nations have more cancer deaths than non-industrialized nations?
You pretty much answered your own question with another question. There you go folks, radiation from bombs and smoke from Nuclear Power Plants and other forms of Industry.


Apr 25, 2002
You pretty much answered your own question with another question. There you go folks, radiation from bombs and smoke from Nuclear Power Plants and other forms of Industry.
You are partially correct in that I did answer the question with a question, however things outside of radiation and smoke (from industry) are said to be factors.
Aug 26, 2002
Im just saying...

Why dont we see any Handicapped Homosexuals....in the gay parade? or making national headlines....

"I dont work from the waiste below....I love sucking dick...I was born this way.."

you know? saying some shit like that on CNN or Fox..



Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
You pretty much answered your own question with another question. There you go folks, radiation from bombs and smoke from Nuclear Power Plants and other forms of Industry.

dont forget them chemtrails
Aug 28, 2006
^^^i agree. plus if gay people took over the wolrd and no one wanted to have sex with the opposite sex then the world would end. so with that said i conclude that it's not a natural phenomanon because its agisnt procreation, which scientist say is the purpose of life.


edit: if anyone would like to disagree on this feel free to bring it.
Mar 12, 2005
Where's your input Heresy? For me, I think gays will use that as an excuse to being gay. Get rid of the "Straight Laws of Nature" and say ey, It's ok to be gay since animals are we are too. SMH


Apr 25, 2002
Where's your input Heresy? For me, I think gays will use that as an excuse to being gay. Get rid of the "Straight Laws of Nature" and say ey, It's ok to be gay since animals are we are too. SMH
I have no input. I just finished a 6 page paper and I'm mentally and physically drained. I'll probably feel like this for the next couple of weeks due to redesigns in teh home, school and tracking beats for people. This weekend will be hectic for me and I won't be seen around these parts for a bit.:dead:
Mar 9, 2005
Where's your input Heresy? For me, I think gays will use that as an excuse to being gay. Get rid of the "Straight Laws of Nature" and say ey, It's ok to be gay since animals are we are too. SMH
Why do they need an 'excuse' to be gay? Why does being gay need justification? There is a sound evolutionary argument in favour of homosexuality and although I can't be bothered explaining it right now, someone is bound to say 'bullshit, if you fuck homeboys then the human race would die out'. I'll save it for the next reply.
Aug 28, 2006
"You can make up all kinds of stories: Oh it's for dominance, it's for this, it's for that, but when it comes down to the bottom I think it's just for sexual pleasure," Wolfe told LiveSciencE
Thats her opionion

Conversely, some argue that homosexual sex could have a bigger natural cause than just pure pleasure: namely evolutionary benefits.

Copulation could be used for alliance and protection among animals of the same sex. In situations when a species is mostly bisexual, homosexual relationships allow an animal to join a pack.
I can agree with this since, its not implying that the animal is gay. all its saying is that it would benifit from homosexual acts.

"In some bird species that bond for life, homosexual pairs raise young. If they are females, a male may fertilize their eggs. If they are males, a solitary female may mate with them and deposit her eggs in their nest."
again they are implying that the animal is homosexual, just the act of them sharing a nest makes them gay now?
Aug 28, 2006
Hutch said:
Why do they need an 'excuse' to be gay? Why does being gay need justification? There is a sound evolutionary argument in favour of homosexuality and although I can't be bothered explaining it right now, someone is bound to say 'bullshit, if you fuck homeboys then the human race would die out'. I'll save it for the next reply.
tell me how long would a group of homosexuals last in a deserted island with everything they needed except women? thats the reason being gay needs a justification. because if its solely for plesure than i think its a choice. and seing that being gay has no real "evolutionary benefit" in a human population i see it as a misguided person.
Mar 12, 2005
Hutch said:
Why do they need an 'excuse' to be gay? Why does being gay need justification? There is a sound evolutionary argument in favour of homosexuality and although I can't be bothered explaining it right now, someone is bound to say 'bullshit, if you fuck homeboys then the human race would die out'. I'll save it for the next reply.
Jon21 gave a good example, there are excuses to be gay, so are you justifying being gay with that article? Last time I checked, the world multiplies with a man and woman, in the animal kingdom same thing, but there are hermaphrodites, unless you are a hermaph yourself?