Its already too late. He gets crushed no matter what. If he dishes the ball out at the last second while he's getting triple teamed, he gets labeled as a pussy. If he takes the shot and misses it, hes a choker. If they win a NBA Finals, it was suppose to happen. If he doesnt win a NBA Finals with the Heat, he's a complete failure.
Thats what happens when the media labels you as the "KING" and you run with it by having a big ass "CHOSEN1" tat on your back, guarantee 8 championships when your contract is only 6 years and claim that its gonna be easy once the season starts.
He put all that on himself so fuck LeBitch.
Thats what happens when the media labels you as the "KING" and you run with it by having a big ass "CHOSEN1" tat on your back, guarantee 8 championships when your contract is only 6 years and claim that its gonna be easy once the season starts.
He put all that on himself so fuck LeBitch.