Alright, i just read all of this, and it seems like some of you have more time on your hands then most people. Some of what was said is true, and some isn't. I've never denied anything, and never contradicted myself as do so many of you do on a daily basis. I know who is real and who isn't, Oso is down for his and i respect him for his pride, because we all have something we are proud of. I give love to those who show it, and as far as this "young ass cutty boy" that's all you'll ever be, a young ass cutty boy. You don't know me, and if you did then i suggest you keep your beef offline, and stop with the childish comments. I was wearing Lou's red shirt because i got candle on my white one so i didnt want to walk around with a dirty ass shirt. Color is of no object to me, i wear what i feel comfortable in, and the folks im with know what im about, love. I was never a surena from oakland, i did however live in Fresno when i was real young and there i did what i could to survive. I was young, and that lifestyle just wasn't for me, i couldn't stand to see my people kill eachother and hate eachother for something i didn't quite believe in. I see life in another way now, life comes with change, some live their whole lives a certain way and that's fine, but it's not me. Whether or not people can look past that is on them. And if i get killed in the process, let it be, i am being who i am and as Jason put it, "an individual". I show love to those who show it, Lou and Shannon have showed me nothing but that, so in return i give them my full support. I have nothing to proove, and everything to give. Take it how you'd like